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8C Consent 2021 0216
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Packet 2021 0216
8C Consent 2021 0216
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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January 7, 2021Disaster Council Minutes <br />Alameda County <br />• Office of Emergency Services <br />• Alameda County Fire Department <br />• Alameda Public Health Department <br />2.B. <br />Alameda County OES was not available, so Catrina Christian (City of San Leandro <br />Emergency Services Specialist) provided the update. The county has 55,441 cases, <br />681 deaths, 424 hospitalized. The positivity rate is 7.6% overall, and 11.3% in lowest <br />quartile. There are 35.5 cases per 100,000, which is down from a high in December. <br />Testing at a rate of 10,000 per day, though it declined during the holidays. ICU <br />availability is at 19% for adult beds and in the Bay Area region, it was 7.4% (as of 1/6). <br />Southern California is at 0% and the county expects to receive some patients from this <br />region. We have not seen the impact from the holidays. The message with the new <br />strain is to continue wearing a mask and maintain social distancing. The state order <br />was to be lifted on 1/8 for the Bay Area region, but that may not happen because of <br />the current numbers in the ICU. The order is based on the projected percentage of <br />available ICU beds within the next four weeks. <br />The numbers for the vaccines delivered into the county are an estimate because <br />numbers are be reported up to the state and are not broken down by county. <br />Currently, ~60,000 doses have arrived, with 8,000 being delivered by the county. They <br />did set up a POD to deliver to the Phase 1A, tier 1 personnel, including healthcare <br />workers, paramedics/first responders, dialysis centers, and those with direct patient <br />contact. Tier 2 of 1A will include ambulatory clinics, homeless outreach, test sites, <br />and those with face to face patient contact. Tier 3 of 1A includes dental and pharmacy <br />staff, in order to increase the number of personal able to vaccinate people. Phase 1b <br />will include essential workers and the state will be meeting on 1/8 to further determine <br />the definition. <br />There is some flexibility in the distribution based on how many doses are available and <br />how many people have been given the vaccine, because they are having a difficult time <br />trying to obtain lists of professionals to invite to get vaccines, but they are working with <br />professional associations and groups to get the word out. The county is asking <br />employers to start prioritizing staff in order to allow for the staff to be vaccinated when <br />the county is ready. The county expects that they will be needing more volunteers to <br />give the vaccines and SLKindness may be a way to get the word out. <br />During the elected officials call, a question about how many people are refusing the <br />vaccination and why was asked, and the county said that the numbers and reasons <br />vary depending on the sector. There was also a question about just providing one dose <br />to increase the number of people vaccinated and Dr. Moss said that the CDC <br />discourages that based on the trial findings. <br /> Questions/Comments – <br /> - What is the timeline to put out the call for citizens, including 75 and older? Possibly <br />late spring and early summer. It depends on how many vaccines are available. <br />Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) reported the state is allowing paramedics to <br />assist with providing COVID vaccinations. ACFD paramedics are down in Los Banos <br />assisting in hospitals, in conjunction with Cal OES. The department has provided two <br />rounds of vaccinations to frontline staff and academy recruits and will be starting a <br />third round to include administrative staff. <br />Page 3City of San Leandro <br />36
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