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January 7, 2021Disaster Council Minutes <br />San Leandro City <br />• San Leandro City Manager <br />• San Leandro Police <br />2.C. <br />Interim City Manager Robustelli shared that she is looking forward to working with this <br />group and she has been trying to get out into the community safely and welcomes <br />anyone reaching out to her. <br />San Leandro Police reported that there was a meeting with the county in December to <br />discuss vaccine deployment and what the city’s role will be. The county has identified <br />40 sites for PODs within the county and there are a couple of sites within the City. The <br />flu shot clinic was at SCC and that might be a spot that can be used for vaccines. <br />The shelter in place order for county expired but we are under the state order. ICU <br />availability in the region is 3% and all southern regions is 0%. <br />Emergency Services had a meeting with ACFD and will hope to start providing virtual <br />CERT training this year and looking to develop annexes for the emergency operations <br />plan. We will be reaching out to county health to get the link for the form to have <br />essential workers sign up for vaccines once they are available and will be sharing it <br />with partner agencies including school districts and Katie Bowman (City of San <br />Leandro Economic Development Manager). <br />RHS reported that the flu clinic was a success, and it was set up in view of a mass <br />COVID vaccine. The vaccinators were volunteers with ACPHD, and city staff did <br />participate. <br />Healthcare Services <br />• Hospitals <br />• Davis Street Family Resource Center <br />• Red Cross <br />• SL Elder Care Alliance <br />2.D. <br />Kaiser Hospital reported that they are going through 1A tier with clinicians and are on <br />schedule. They are looking ahead to get through 1B and then moving on to members <br />but are waiting for what the state says. The original plan to provide drive thru clinics to <br />deliver the vaccines is being re-evaluated due to logistics. They are developing <br />messaging for members, though it may be a few weeks before it goes out. They are <br />doing an internal investigation of what happened in San Jose, including doing the <br />contact tracing and treating those infected. <br />San Leandro Hospital – no report <br />Davis Street Family Resource Center shared that they have been designated as <br />aCounty testing site and will be receiving and administering the Moderna vaccine soon. <br />The clinic will be deploying the vaccine like it was done for H1N1 and all medical <br />assistants and nurses will be providing an estimated 150 vaccines per day, while <br />following all CDC guidance. The clinic may be reaching out to ACFD to get <br />paramedics to help with administrating the vaccines. The clinic continues to do testing. <br />There is one childcare center at Jefferson and 400 family daycares within the <br />community and they continue to give out 80-100 food boxes daily. The center received <br />an angel donor of $100,000 and families were given $100 bill and they were grateful. <br />Page 4City of San Leandro <br />37