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File Number: 21-072 <br />dissemination of learning points to the entire department, while also providing third-party <br />objective independence to the process. <br />The Training Review will independently evaluate the April 18, 2020 critical incident and the <br />actions of San Leandro Police Department (SLPD) personnel, leading up to and during <br />that incident, in order to identify potential ways to make improvements in SLPD training, <br />policies, and equipment. The training review will also make recommendations to improve <br />performance and responses to future critical incidents. It is anticipated that, at a minimum, <br />the independent training review will examine reports, video footage, and involved officer <br />interviews. Recommendations and input also may be sought from subject matter experts, <br />legal professionals, and SLPD command staff. <br />3) Provide consulting services regarding various police oversight models adopted by, or <br />considered for, adoption by various California public agencies and provide a presentation <br />at a City of San Leandro City Council Work Session that will be publicly noticed and <br />accessible to the public, currently scheduled for Monday February 22, 2021. <br />Subsequent to the adoption of the above-referenced scope of work, it was determined that the <br />City would need the assistance of OIR Group for an additional internal affairs investigation related <br />to the OIS that occurred August 5, 2020 on Pearmain Street in Oakland, the costs of which would <br />not exceed $40,000, thereby bringing the total cost of the contract to an amount not to exceed <br />$95,000. <br />A copy of the proposed amendment to the existing consulting services agreement and scope of <br />work is attached to the City Council Resolution that is associated with this staff report. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total additional costs for the proposed amendment would not exceed $40,000. <br />Budget Authority <br />Staff proposes to fund the agreement using previously authorized General Fund appropriations <br />from the following account: <br />010-14-015-8355: $40,000 <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />·City Council Resolution Authorizing Proposed Amendment <br />·Proposed Amendment to Consulting Services Agreement with OIR Group <br />PREPARED BY: Eric Engelbart, Deputy City Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/11/2021 <br />57