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8E Consent 2021 0301
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Packet 2021 0301
8E Consent 2021 0301
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2/24/2021 9:06:30 PM
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2/24/2021 9:06:27 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2021-037 Waive collection of all outstanding fines
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File Number: 21-077 <br />Section 18743 of the California Education Code encourages “equal access by allowing libraries <br />to participate in universal borrowing, allowing anyone to check out items from their library <br />regardless of residence, and requiring all member libraries of a Cooperative Library System to <br />provide equal access to all residents of the system, not just those in the library’s immediate area”. <br />The Library Department’s policy of charging non-residents for library cards, and therefore access, <br />is not consistent with this standard. In November of 2020, Library Administration and the <br />Circulation Supervisor presented a proposal to the Library-Historical Commission recommending <br />eliminating the Fee Card policies to adhere to this standard. <br />The Library-Historical Commission unanimously recommended that Library staff take both <br />proposals to the City Council for their approval, which Library staff did on January 4, 2021. The <br />City Council unanimously endorsed the two proposals. <br />Analysis <br />Library overdue fines are daily overdue, or late fines, which are charged on items when they are <br />returned after their due date. These fines range from .25 cents per day on a children’s book to $1 <br />per day on a DVD. If a patron accrues more than $10.00 in fines, then they are unable to checkout <br />additional items from the library. <br />Studies have found that overdue fines are not effective incentives for returning library materials on <br />time, in part, because there is no sense of urgency since the fines are so nominal. <br />Overdue fines pose an economic barrier for patrons to access library resources. These fines can <br />quickly surpass the $10 threshold thereby blocking a patron’s access to additional library <br />materials. This presents an economic barrier to all patrons falling hardest on those who may lack <br />the ability to pay and who need access to the library’s free resources the most. <br />The Library currently offers free library accounts only to residents of incorporated San Leandro as <br />well as City employees. Non-residents are charged either $60 per year for a household fee card, <br />or $30 per year for a non-resident worker card to have access to San Leandro’s library resources <br />and daily computer use. <br />The purpose of all libraries is to provide equitable access to the entire community. Equitable <br />access means free, fair, and impartial use of library resources and services. All San Leandro <br />residents can obtain a free library card from all Bay Area public libraries; however, residents of <br />those communities cannot get a free library card from San Leandro Public Library. <br />Approval of these two proposals will mean that the San Leandro Public Library will no longer <br />collect overdue fines, and, will no longer collect library card fees from non-San Leandro residents. <br />All Californians will qualify for a free San Leandro library card. <br />Previous Actions <br />·None <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/24/2021
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