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<br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between January 20, 2021 <br />City of San Leandro and Municipal Financial Services Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The scope of work would include the following tasks: <br /> Task 1 – Evaluate CUPA / Pretreatment FY20 Fee Revenue <br /> Task 2 – Evaluate CUPA / Pretreatment Budgets/Activities <br /> Task 3 – Develop Updated CUPA / Pretreatment FY22 Fees <br /> Task 4 – Prepare Technical Report <br /> <br />Note that this scope of work is not intended to incorporate discussion with legal <br />counsel regarding calculation or implementation of selected CUPA and Pretreatment <br />Fees or any other legal issue. It is intended as a technical evaluation of the <br />implementation of CUPA and Pretreatment Fees and the amount of revenue <br />generated by those fees. <br /> <br />Each task is described more fully in the paragraphs below. <br /> <br />Task 1 – Evaluate CUPA / Pretreatment FY20 Fee Revenue . We will request that <br />City staff identify CUPA and Pretreatment Fees in the City’s FY 2020 -2021 (FY21) <br />Adopted Fee Schedule to be updated. We will tabulate the amount revenue from <br />those fees for FY20 by multiplying each fee by the number of times the fee was <br />charged in that fiscal year. The City will provide a count of the number of times the <br />fee was charged in that fiscal year. We will compare the tabulated amount of revenue <br />from fees to the amount of revenue from those fees shown in City financial re ports. <br />This comparison will provide a check on the number of times the fee was charged in <br />that fiscal year. <br /> <br />Task 2 – Evaluate CUPA / Pretreatment Budgets/Activities. We will evaluate <br />budget and accounting reports for the CUPA and Pretreatment programs. We will <br />evaluate expenditure and revenue codes (for both budgets and actual financial <br />reports) to develop cost summaries for the various activities in CUPA and <br />Pretreatment. We will evaluate CUPA and Pretreatment regulatory reports to identify <br />a description of activities associated with each fee. <br />Meetings will be conducted in person at the work site of the staff or remotely via an <br />internet conference call / video. <br />Coordination or discussion with legal counsel is not included in this scope of work. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: F19CFFC8-151A-4D10-89F9-E4B628C155FE