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<br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between January 20, 2021 <br />City of San Leandro and Municipal Financial Services Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 <br />Task 3 – Develop Updated CUPA / Pretreatment FY22 Fees. We will develop <br />updated CUPA and Pretreatment fees based on the time and materials used to <br />provide each service which is charged a fee. Development of each fee will involve <br />the following steps: <br />1. Estimate the hours and cost of labor (by job classification) used to provide <br />each service; <br />2. Estimate the supplies, services and equipment used to provide each service; <br />3. Estimate the administrative overhead associated with each service; and <br />4. Estimate the number of units of each service to be provided. <br />Fees will be developed based on the estimates listed above. We will project revenue <br />from fees for FY22 by multiplying each updated fee by the estimated number of units <br />of service to be provided. <br />Task 4 – Prepare Technical Report. We will prepare Technical Report (in <br />preliminary, draft and final versions) that includes findings and recommendations for <br />updated fees. A preliminary draft report will be prepared for review by selected City <br />staff. A draft report will be prepared that incorporates comments and changes made <br />during review of the preliminary version. A final report will be prepared at the end of <br />the study. <br />Deliverables <br />Work products (deliverables) included in this proposal are: <br /> Preliminary draft, draft, and final technical reports. <br /> Electronic copy of the preliminary draft, draft and final technical reports and <br />the Excel spreadsheet used to develop tables and figures for the technical <br />reports. <br /> On site and / or remote meetings with City staff. <br /> <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: F19CFFC8-151A-4D10-89F9-E4B628C155FE