GENERAL FUNDAmended BudgetYTD as of 12/31/20% of Amended BudgetAmended BudgetYTD as of 12/31/19YTD % of BudgetYr to Yr Change ($)Yr to Yr Change (%)GENERAL GOVERNMENTProperty Tax 26,101 12,206 47% 24,441 11,536 47% 670 6%Sales Tax 38,986 14,103 36% 45,061 14,304 32% (201) -1%Utility Users Tax 10,342 3,987 39% 10,846 3,887 36% 100 3%Franchise Fees 5,132 1,329 26% 5,361 1,308 24% 21 2%Property Transfer Tax 3,836 1,766 46% 5,000 1,466 29% 300 20%Emergency Communication Access Fee (911) 3,236 1,078 33% 3,162 1,063 34% 15 1%Business License Tax 6,400 585 9% 6,400 930 15% (345) -37%Other Tax 858 345 40% 1,733 373 22% (28) -8% Sub Total Taxes 94,891 35,399 37% 102,004 34,867 34% 532 2%Charges for Services 2,802 562 20% 3,034 1,427 47% (865) -61%Interest & Property Income 1,868 1,080 58% 1,921 1,542 80% (462) -30%Fines, Fees & Forfeitures 1,347 286 21% 1,581 404 26% (118) -29%Intergovernmental 734 1,234 168% 773 84 11% 1,150 1369%Licenses & Permits 3,948 1,514 38% 4,155 2,385 57% (871) -37%Interdepartmental 2,000 1,000 50% 2,000 1,000 50% 0 0%Other/Transfers 6,507 231 4% 1,505 128 9% 103 80% Sub Total Other 19,206 5,907 31% 14,969 6,970 47% (1,063) -15% Total Revenues 114,097 41,306 36% 116,973 41,837 36% (531) -1%ExpendituresGeneral Administration 6,318 2,573 41% 5,873 2,307 39% 266 12% Council, Clerk, City Attorney, City Manager and Human ResourcesFinance 4,107 1,258 31% 3,957 1,214 31% 44 4%Police 41,583 19,466 47% 41,218 19,742 48% (276) -1%Fire 27,154 8,385 31% 26,237 10,058 38% (1,673) -17%Recreation & Human Services 5,634 1,728 31% 5,517 2,410 44% (682) -28%Engineering & Transportation 4,040 1,363 34% 3,935 1,823 46% (460) -25%Library 6,114 2,710 44% 5,950 2,880 48% (170) -6%Public Works 7,241 3,152 44% 7,520 3,116 41% 36 1%Community Development 8,496 2,839 33% 8,456 2,816 33% 23 1%Non-Departmental 2,177 453 21% 2,278 494 22% (41) -8%Debt Service 6,484 2,022 31% 6,408 2,061 32% (39) -2%Transfers 3,510 50 1% 6,325 50 1% 0 0% Total Expenditures 122,858 45,999 37% 123,674 48,971 40% (2,972) -6%December 31, 2020 December 31, 2019RevenuesCITY OF SAN LEANDROSecond Quarter Financial ReportAs of December 31, 2020(In Thousands)2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 v 2019-20Page 1 of 393