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CITY OF SAN LEANDROSecond Quarter Financial ReportAs of December 31, 2020(In Thousands)ENTERPRISES & INTERNALSERVICE FUNDSAmended BudgetYTD as of 12/31/20% of BudgetAmended Budget YTD as of 12/31/19 % of BudgetYr to Yr Change ($)Yr to Yr Change (%)Water Pollution Control Plant (593)Revenue 14,510 2,892 20% 13,860 3,886 28% (994) -26%Expenditure 27,043 6,606 24% 27,167 7,646 28% (1,040) -14%Environmental Services (594)Revenue 1,086 202 19% 1,090 246 23% (44) -18%Expenditure 1,463 395 27% 1,444 413 29% (18) -4%Shoreline Enterprise (597)Revenue 1,840 871 47% 2,966 1,155 39% (284) -25%Expenditure 2,252 511 23% 2,230 927 42% (416) -45%Storm Water (598)Revenue 1,002 0 0% 1,002 0 0% 0 0%Expenditure 1,492 836 56% 1,435 821 57% 15 2%Facilities Maintenance (687)Revenue 3,288 1,649 50% 3,388 1,716 51% (67) -4%Expenditure 4,309 1,788 41% 5,002 1,567 31% 221 14%Information Technology (688)Revenue 4,274 2,147 50% 4,377 2,211 51% (64) -3%Expenditure 5,128 1,993 39% 5,061 1,565 31% 428 27%Insurance Services (689)Revenue 5,528 3,056 55% 5,528 2,845 51% 211 7%Expenditure 6,636 2,734 41% 6,297 2,830 45% (96) -3%Equipment Maintenance (690)Revenue 3,529 1,563 44% 4,015 1,936 48% (373) -19%Expenditure 4,012 1,553 39% 5,538 475 9% 1,078 227%December 31, 2020 December 31, 20192020-21 2019-20 2020-21 v 2019-20Page 2 of 394