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Standard Provisions <br /> <br />VI. WORK PROGRAM <br />Before beginning the project, the grantee shall submit a detailed work program to <br />the Executive Officer for review and written approval of its consistency with this <br />grant agreement. The work program shall include: <br /> <br />1. The specific tasks to be performed. <br /> <br />2. A schedule of completion for the project, specifically listing the completion date <br />for each project component and a final project completion date. <br /> <br />3. A detailed project budget. The project budget shall describe all labor and <br />materials costs of completing each component of the project. For each project <br />component, the project budget shall list all intended funding sources including <br />the Authority’s grant and all other sources of monies, materials, or labor. <br /> <br />If all or any part of the project to be funded under this agreement will be performed <br />by third parties (“contractors”) under contract with the grantee, the grantee shall <br />submit to the Executive Officer for review and approval the names and <br />qualifications of the contractors. <br /> <br />The work program shall have the same effect as if included in the text of this <br />agreement. However, the work program may be modified without amendment of <br />this agreement upon the grantee’s submission of a modified work program and the <br />Executive Officer’s written approval of it. If this agreement and the work program <br />are inconsistent, the agreement shall control. <br /> <br />The grantee shall carry out the project in accordance with the approved work <br />program. <br /> <br />VII. COORDINATION AND MEETINGS <br />The grantee shall coordinate closely with Authority staff and other involved <br />entities, including local, state and federal agencies, and shall participate in meetings <br />and other communications as necessary to ensure coordination. <br /> <br /> <br />26