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8C Consent 2021 0315
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Packet 2021 0315
8C Consent 2021 0315
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3/10/2021 2:53:13 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2021-045 CSA Amdt 2 East Bay Innovations
(Approved by)
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AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO AND <br />EAST BAY INNOVATIONS FOR HOMELESS OUTREACH AND CASE MANAGEMENT <br /> <br /> <br />This Amendment No. 2 (“Amendment”) is made by and between the City of San Leandro (“City”) <br />and East Bay Innovations (“Consultant”) (together sometimes referred to as the “Parties”) as of <br />_____________________, 2021, and amends that certain Consulting Services Agreement (“Agreement”) <br />dated April 6, 2020, between the Parties. <br /> WHEREAS, City and Consultant have executed the Agreement, pursuant to which Consultant has <br />provided certain consulting services to City with regard to Homeless Outreach and Case Management, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement to increase compensation. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby <br />acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree to amend the Agreement as follows: <br /> <br />1. Section 1.1 of the Agreement entitled “Term of Services” is hereby amended to extend the <br />term from April 6, 2021, to June 30, 2021; and <br /> <br />2. Section 2 of the Agreement entitled “Compensation” is hereby amended to pay Consultant a <br />sum not to exceed $82,000.00; and <br /> <br />3. Exhibit B of the Agreement entitled “Compensation Schedule & Reimbursable Expenses” is <br />hereby amended to read: <br />City shall pay Contractor an amount not to exceed the total sum of $82,000.00 for services to be <br />performed pursuant to this Agreement. The total sum stated above shall be the total which City <br />shall pay for the services to be rendered by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. Payments will <br />be made on a quarterly basis, following the successful review of grant outcomes in mid-year and <br />year-end reports. Detailed invoices are required. City shall not pay any additional sum for any <br />expense or cost whatsoever incurred by Contractor in rendering services pursuant to this <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />4. All other terms shall remain in full force and effect. <br /> <br />This Amendment may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be an original and <br />all of which together shall constitute one agreement. <br /> SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE <br />41
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