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8H Consent 2021 0405
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2021 0405
8H Consent 2021 0405
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3/31/2021 6:02:12 PM
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3/31/2021 6:02:10 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 21-210 <br />statements, reports, or other documents online or electronically with its local filing officer, if the <br />filer receives contributions and makes expenditures totaling $2,000 or more in a calendar year <br />(Attachment III). <br />In 2019 the City of San Leandro entered into an agreement with SouthTech, Granicus, an <br />electronic and paperless filing system for FPPC Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) <br />and Campaign Forms. <br />ANALYSIS <br />Government Code Section 84615 requires local jurisdictions that accept electronic campaign <br />form filings to enact an ordinance, with required findings, approving the use of an electronic <br />system, which includes that the system will operate securely and effectively and will not unduly <br />burden filers. The proposed ordinance will also designate the filings received electronically by the <br />City Clerk’s Office as the filings of record for the City. <br />The SouthTech, Granicus system is a web-based vendor hosted application that utilizes “industry <br />best practices” for securing data, and stores and backs up data creating the essential safety <br />measures and redundancy that will allow for recovery of information in the event of an emergency <br />or disaster. The data will be retained for the required minimum ten-year period. The system will <br />be free of charge to those who are interested in using it. For filers who may not have access to <br />computers, the computer at the counter in the City Clerk’s Office can be used (on an appointment <br />basis) for online campaign forms filing. <br />Additionally, the proposed ordinance will only apply to those filers who exceed a threshold of <br />$2,000 for expending or receiving campaign funds. The threshold is consistent with Government <br />Code Section 84615. Government Code Section 84615 requires the online or electronic filing <br />systems to only accept a filing in the standardized record format that is developed by the <br />Secretary of State and is compatible with the Secretary of State’s system for receiving online or <br />electronic filings. The SouthTech, Granicus system is one of two electronic filing systems in <br />California created for cities and counties responsible for administering campaign form filings and <br />that meets the requirements of the Secretary of State. <br />Although Government Code 84615 authorizes a local agency to mandate electronic filings, staff <br />recognizes that such a mandate could have a direct effect on those individuals or committees that <br />do not have computer access or familiarity with computer programs. To prevent any hardship, <br />staff recommends the Council approve an “opt-in” approach, which provides the elected officer, <br />candidate, or committee the option to either file electronically or in paper format with the City <br />Clerk. However, once a filer has successfully completed an online filing, the ordinance would then <br />require the individual or committee to continue to file online in the future. This will ensure the <br />continuity and integrity of the data. Any filer who is unable or unwilling to file electronically may <br />continue to file paper forms with the City Clerk’s Office. <br />To ensure a smooth transition, and as part of the contract with SouthTech, Granicus, the City <br />Clerk’s Office in partnership with SouthTech, Granicus will provide extensive training to elected <br />officials, candidates, and committees interested in using the system. Once the ordinance is in <br />effect, staff will schedule one-on-one trainings with SouthTech, Granicus staff and filers and <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/31/2021 <br />66
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