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8I Consent 2021 0405
City Clerk
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Packet 2021 0405
8I Consent 2021 0405
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3/31/2021 6:02:25 PM
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3/31/2021 6:02:12 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2021-049 CSA Fehr and Peers
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File Number: 21-116 <br />Corridors Study seeks to review and identify how to improve safety, access, and mobility for all <br />roadway users along Bancroft Avenue and Williams Street. The proposed project will develop a <br />community-based Class IV Corridor Study for these two major roadways and by doing so, will <br />help transition San Leandro’s transportation network into a safer and more accessible system for <br />all users. <br />In October 2019, the City of San Leandro applied for a Caltrans Sustainable Transportation <br />Planning Sustainable Communities Grant for the Crosstown Class IV Corridors Study. On June <br />18, 2020, the City was conditionally awarded a Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant to <br />study the implementation of Class IV bicycle lanes on Bancroft Avenue and Williams Street in the <br />Crosstown Class IV Corridors Study (Study). The grant amount was $349,248 and the City <br />agreed to provide a minimum matching amount of $45,252 for a total of $394,500 for the <br />Crosstown Class IV Corridors Study. <br />Analysis <br />A request for proposals for consultant planning services for the Class IV Corridors Study was <br />posted on the City’s website and emailed to firms that expressed interest in working with the City. <br />This effort resulted in the receipt of three proposals from consulting firms. Staff ranked the <br />proposals and checked references for the top ranked firm, Fehr & Peers. Fehr & Peers was <br />chosen based on demonstrated technical competence, the consultant team proposed, and their <br />record of past performance. <br />This contract for $349,248 represents staff’s current understanding of the work required. <br />Occasionally, changes to the scope of contracts are necessary to respond to new information, or <br />to include additional items of work necessary for a complete product. In order to resolve these <br />issues in a timely fashion and avoid delaying work, staff additionally requests authorization to <br />issue individual contract amendments to the consultant up to 10%, or $34,925 each, and <br />cumulative contract amendments up to 15%, or $52,387 of the original contract amount. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure <br />·Support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhances <br />the quality of life and wellness, celebrates the arts and diversity and promotes civic pride <br />Previous Actions <br />·Several updates on the proposed Study were provided to the Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />Advisory Committee (BPAC), the most recent occurring on May 21, 2020. <br />·Several updates on the proposed Study were provided to the City Council Facilities and <br />Transportation Committee, the most recent occurring on February 3, 2021. <br />·On September 8, 2020, by Resolution No. 2020-110, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to execute Agreement No. 74A1244 with the State of California to provide <br />$349,248 in grant funds for the Crosstown Class IV Corridors Study. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/31/2021 <br />72
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