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File Number: 21-116 <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy T-2.1 Complete Streets Serving All Users and Modes. Create and maintain <br />“complete” streets that provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel through a <br />comprehensive, integrated transportation network that serves all users. <br />·Policy T-3.1 Citywide Bikeway System. Develop and maintain a bikeway system that <br />meets the need of both utilitarian and recreational users, reduces vehicle trips, and <br />connect residential neighborhoods to employment and shopping areas, BART stations, <br />schools, recreational facilities and other destinations throughout San Leandro and nearby <br />communities. <br />·Policy T-3.2 Funding. Maximize the City’s eligibility for funding for bicycle and pedestrian <br />improvements, and aggressively pursue such funding to complete desired projects. <br />·Policy T-3.3 Designing for Multiple User Groups. Recognize the dual needs of <br />experienced cyclists relying on bicycles for commute trips and daily travel and less <br />experienced cyclists using bicycles principally for recreation. Where needed, develop <br />facilities designed to serve each user group, with recreational routes primarily using <br />low-volume streets and off-street bike paths <br />Environmental Review <br />The Project qualifies for a statutory exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA) per California Public Resources Code Section 21080.19 “Restriping of Streets or <br />Highways”. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The cost of this consulting services agreement is $349,248. If contract amendments are <br />necessary, they will not exceed $34,925 individually, or $52,387 cumulatively without City Council <br />approval. <br />The awarded Sustainable Transportation Planning grant funds in the amount of $349,248 require <br />a minimum local match of $45,252. A total $97,639 of Measure BB Street funds will be used to <br />meet the match requirement, staff time, contract amendments, and provide a total of $446,887 for <br />the Study. <br />Budget Authority <br />Account No. Source Reso/Budget Year Amount <br />150-36-455 Measure BB Grant FY20/21 $349,248 <br />141-36-455 Measure BB FY20/21 $97,639 <br />Total $446,887 <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/31/2021 <br />73