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File Number: 21-152 <br />completed in 2016, and only the work to replace highway planting identified during the project <br />environmental approval process for the Davis Street and Marina Boulevard interchanges remains <br />to be completed with the current project. <br />The City’s sanitary sewer has existed within Davis Street (SR 112) for many decades and <br />includes three manholes within access-restricted areas of Davis Street at the I-880 interchange. <br />Maintenance of these sewer facilities is authorized by Caltrans Encroachment Permit <br />04-19-N-UE-3168. Due to the location of the manholes, the City must utilize State right-of-way to <br />access the sewer system for routine and emergency maintenance. <br />Typical amendments to the Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways are relatively simple <br />instructions that delineate the responsibility for maintenance between Caltrans and the City. The <br />separation of work in most cases usually identifies improvements desired by the City; however, <br />Caltrans does not accept payment for maintenance but requires the jurisdiction to complete <br />maintenance work using City forces and funds. <br />Analysis <br />ACTC is the implementing agency for the I-880 Replacement Planting at Davis Street and Marina <br />Boulevard Project (Project) located in the City (see Attachment A for location). In addition to <br />planting and irrigation, the current Project proposes breaks in the State right-of-way access <br />control fence with locked gate access for City staff to conduct regular maintenance activities at <br />existing sanitary sewer manholes within the Davis Street interchange. See Attachment B plans for <br />proposed locked gate access. <br />The City is responsible for maintenance of the sanitary sewer system within Davis Street (SR <br />112) and the Davis Street at I-880 freeway interchange. There are three manholes in the <br />interchange that require access. Two of the manholes are in the southwest quadrant of the <br />interchange and one is in the southeast quadrant of the interchange. Routine maintenance of the <br />sanitary sewer system is performed approximately once every ten years. Emergency <br />maintenance can be required at any time to clear pipe obstructions or to interrupt unauthorized <br />materials that may enter the system. <br />Upon completion of the required replacement planting, the City’s maintenance vehicle’s access to <br />sanitary sewer manholes at Davis Street will be constrained; however, new access paths will be <br />constructed. <br />There are two manholes in the southwest quadrant of the Davis Street interchange. Staff <br />considered access off of Davis Street and while there is currently no fence, the steep slopes and <br />the potential for sidewalk closure on the overcrossing approach and temporary traffic control on <br />Davis Street (SR 112) make it a difficult route for access. After a site review, City maintenance <br />staff determined access from Timothy Drive was the safest alternative and is currently planned for <br />construction. The new gate access points are the primary subject of the amendment change and <br />is identified in Note (7) of Exhibit A of Amendment No. 2. The manhole in the southeast quadrant <br />will be accessed from a path from eastbound Davis Street with adequate provisions for safe <br />entry. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/31/2021 <br />122