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AP-10 Consultation - 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(I) <br />Introduction <br />The FY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and the related FY 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan is an important <br />document for the HOME Consortium. Built on interagency coordination, consultation, and public <br />participation, the Con Plan focuses attention on housing and community development needs and <br />resources available to meet these needs. <br />Additionally, in response to COVID-19, this added section documents the interagency coordination, <br />consultation, and public participation that informs the planning around any future federal stimulus <br />allocations. Those consultations began once the City complied with the Alameda County Shelter -In -Place <br />order issued on March 16, 2020. City staff, including the City's Office of Emergency Management staff, <br />have been in frequent consultation with the Alameda County Department of Public Health to consult on <br />the nature of the need in the County for which CDBG-CV funds are to be used. Additionally, non-profit <br />agencies currently operating homeless shelters and providing services San Leandro's low -moderate - <br />income residents have been consulted to determine the highest and best needs for the CDBG-CV funds. <br />Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction's activities to enhance coordination between <br />public and assisted housing providers and private and governmental health, mental health <br />and service agencies (91.215(1)). <br />EveryOne Home is a collective impact initiative founded in 2007 to facilitate the implementation of <br />Alameda County, California's plan to end homelessness, known as the EveryOne Home Plan. In 2018, <br />Everyone Home updated that Plan now known as the Strategic Plan Update: Ending Homelessness in <br />Alameda County. The Strategic Update recommends actions aimed at reducing homelessness by 1) <br />preventing homelessness; 2) ensuring safer and more dignified conditions for those experiencing <br />homelessness; and 3) increasing permanent homes. <br />The Everyone Home Governance Charter memorializes how stakeholders govern the collective impact <br />initiative to end homelessness and meet the federally -defined responsibilities of operating a HUD <br />Continuum of Care as found in the Continuum of Care Program Rule at §578. In fulfillment of those <br />agreements Everyone Home convenes stakeholders, develops policies for the housing crisis response <br />system, and tracks outcomes through the following committees: Everyone Home Membership, <br />Leadership Board, Results Based Accountability, HUD CoC Committee, HMIS Oversight Committee, <br />System Coordination Committee, and Youth Action Board. Stakeholders include people with lived <br />experience of homelessness, elected officials, advocacy groups, and service providers as well as county <br />and city government administrators. <br />In 2020, Everyone Home, with the support of HUD technical assistance from Abt Associates convened <br />and facilitated a community process aimed at developing a model homeless response system through <br />the framework of racial equity. The process resulted in specific crisis and permanent housing inventory <br />recommendations. In 2021, leadership across the Continuum of Care are working together to implement <br />this optimal system design that will effectively address the crisis needs of people experiencing <br />Annual Action Plan <br />2021 <br />0 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021) <br />