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<br /> <br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between April 1, 2021 <br />City of San Leandro and West Coast Arborist, Inc.—Exhibit A Page 3 of 6 <br />contracts, agreements or supplier but in no case shall such cost be less than $250 <br />per hazardous condition per location. <br /> <br />6. PROPERTY DAMAGE: The contractor shall be held responsible for any breakage, <br />loss of the City’s equipment or supplies through negligence of the contractor or their <br />employee while working on the City’s premises. This includes damage to adjacent <br />trees and shrubs, lawns, tables, curbs, walks, and other property. The contractor <br />shall be responsible for restoring or replacing any equipment, facilities, etc. so <br />damaged. The contractor shall immediately report to the City any damages to the <br />premises resulting from services performed under their contract. Failure or refusal <br />to restore or replace such damaged property will be a breach of their contract. <br /> <br />Holes/ruts made in lawns, regardless of size, shall be filled with topsoil and seeded <br />with a turf grass lawn mix or sod, as requested by the Parks Supervisor. Sidewalks, <br />curbs, walkways, irrigation boxes and irrigation heads shall always be protected from <br />the impact of falling wood by use of tree or limb ground supports. Ropes or other <br />mechanical devices shall be used to lower all limbs of sufficient size that may cause <br />damage to other trees or surrounding property. <br /> <br />7. DAYS OF WORK: All trimming is to be done between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and <br />5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, unless prior approval is granted by the City Parks <br />Supervisor or his designated representative. <br /> <br />The following are the designated City holidays: <br />January 1 (New Year’s Day). <br />The third Monday in January (Martin Luther King’s Birthday). <br />The second Monday in February (Lincoln’s Birthday). <br />The third Monday in February (Washington’s Birthday). <br />The last Monday in May (Memorial Day). <br />July 4 (Independence Day). <br />The first Monday in September (Labor Day). <br />November 11 (Veterans’ Day). <br />The fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving Day). <br />The day after Thanksgiving Day. <br />December 24 (Christmas Eve). <br />December 25 (Christmas Day). <br />December 31 (New Year’s Eve). <br /> <br />8. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: Failure to start and complete all work specified within the <br />time allowed shall constitute material breach of contract. The “time allowed” will be <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 62E86335-7C66-480B-861D-A9CC23655AE0