Executive Summary CUPA and Pretreatment Fees Study
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<br />ES-2
<br />DRAFT for review purposes only. Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document.
<br />Recommended CUPA and Pretreatment Program Fees
<br />Recommended fees are developed for FY22 through FY26 and are based on “cost-of-program” fees. For
<br />CUPA, the “cost-of-program” fees (except the CUPA Hourly Rate) are phased in over five years and the
<br />annual percent fee increase is the same for each year. For Pretreatment Program fees, after
<br />incorporating cost-of-program adjustments in FY22, recommended fees for the next four fiscal years,
<br />FY23 through FY26, increase by approximately 1 – 3 percent per year. Current and recommended CUPA
<br />and Pretreatment Program fees for FY21 – FY26 are listed in the table below. Some current fees have
<br />been eliminated or have been combined with other current fees. One new fee (the fee for “Lab Analysis
<br />for BOD, TSS and pH” has been separated from a current fee in Pretreatment Program.
<br />
<br />Table ES-2. Recommended CUPA and Pretreatment Program Fees
<br />
<br />
<br />Current Phase-In Cost of Program Fees Projected Revenue from Fees (x$1000)
<br />Fee Qty Fees FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26
<br />Hazardous Material Storage Quantity Range 1 296 $132 $143 $155 $168 $182 $197 $42.3 $45.9 $49.7 $53.9 $58.3
<br />Hazardous Material Storage Quantity Range 2 381 $266 $277 $289 $301 $314 $327 $105.5 $110.1 $114.7 $119.6 $124.6
<br />Hazardous Material Storage Quantity Range 3 130 $382 $401 $421 $442 $464 $487 $52.1 $54.7 $57.5 $60.3 $63.3
<br />Hazardous Material Storage Quantity Range 4 78 $499 $520 $542 $565 $589 $614 $40.6 $42.3 $44.1 $45.9 $47.9
<br />Hazardous Material Storage Quantity Range 5 5 $623 $645 $668 $692 $717 $743 $3.2 $3.3 $3.5 $3.6 $3.7
<br />Storage of Radioactive Materials 2 $184 $198 $213 $229 $246 $264 $0.4 $0.4 $0.5 $0.5 $0.5
<br />Hazardous Waste Generation CESQG 161 $184 $188 $192 $196 $200 $204 $30.3 $30.9 $31.6 $32.2 $32.8
<br />Hazardous Waste Generation CESQG-0 2 $92 $103 $115 $129 $144 $161 $0.2 $0.2 $0.3 $0.3 $0.3
<br />Hazardous Waste Generation SQG 115 $369 $385 $401 $418 $436 $454 $44.3 $46.1 $48.1 $50.1 $52.2
<br />Hazardous Waste Generation LQG 21 $662 $684 $707 $731 $755 $780 $14.4 $14.8 $15.4 $15.9 $16.4
<br />Hazardous Waste Generation UWG 2 $184 $193 $202 $211 $221 $231 $0.4 $0.4 $0.4 $0.4 $0.5
<br />Underground Hazardous Materials Storage 120 $139 $232 $388 $649 $1,085 $1,814 $27.8 $46.6 $77.9 $130.2 $217.7
<br />Aboveground Storage Tank Installation 1 $972 $997 $1,023 $1,049 $1,076 $1,104 $1.0 $1.0 $1.0 $1.1 $1.1
<br />Underground Storage Tank Installation 1 $2,915 $3,220 $3,557 $3,929 $4,340 $4,794 $3.2 $3.6 $3.9 $4.3 $4.8
<br />Underground Storage Tank Removal 1 $1,620 $1,885 $2,194 $2,553 $2,971 $3,458 $1.9 $2.2 $2.6 $3.0 $3.5
<br />APSA, Qualified Facility, Tier 1 & 2 27 $162 $218 $293 $394 $530 $712 $5.9 $7.9 $10.6 $14.3 $19.2
<br />APSA, Non-Qualified Facility (full SPCC)9 $285 $354 $439 $545 $676 $839 $3.2 $4.0 $4.9 $6.1 $7.6
<br />California Accidental Release Program, Level 1 0 $632 $737 $859 $1,001 $1,167 $1,360 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
<br />California Accidental Release Program, Level 2 3 $822 $1,042 $1,321 $1,675 $2,124 $2,693 $3.1 $4.0 $5.0 $6.4 $8.1
<br />California Accidental Release Program, Level 3 1 $1,066 $1,334 $1,669 $2,088 $2,612 $3,268 $1.3 $1.7 $2.1 $2.6 $3.3
<br />California Accidental Release Program, Level 4 0 $1,600
<br />billed at CUPA Hourly Rate $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
<br />Haz Waste On-site Tmt PBR Permit 0 $1,205 $1,314 $1,433 $1,562 $1,703 $1,857 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
<br />Haz Waste On-site Tmt Cond Auth Permit 1 $514 $583 $661 $750 $851 $965 $0.6 $0.7 $0.8 $0.9 $1.0
<br />Haz Waste On-site Tmt Cond Excempt Permit 0 $139 $185 $247 $329 $438 $584 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
<br />CUPA Hourly Rate 0 $162 $117 $119 $122 $126 $130 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
<br />TOTAL $381.7 $420.8 $474.3 $551.6 $666.7
<br />Current Cost of Program Fees Projected Revenue from Fees (x$1000)
<br />Fee Qty Fees * FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26
<br />Permit Level 1 - Weekly Regulatory Activity 0 $21,972 $18,300 $18,480 $19,030 $19,600 $20,190 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
<br />Permit Level 2 - Semi-monthly Regulatory Activity 2 $10,980 $9,950 $10,050 $10,350 $10,660 $10,980 $19.9 $20.1 $20.7 $21.3 $22.0
<br />Permit Level 3 - Monthly Regulatory Activity 6 $5,496 $5,780 $5,840 $6,010 $6,190 $6,370 $34.7 $35.0 $36.1 $37.1 $38.2
<br />Permit Level 4 - Bi-monthly Regulatory Activity 4 $2,748 $2,930 $2,960 $3,050 $3,140 $3,230 $11.7 $11.8 $12.2 $12.6 $12.9
<br />Permit Level 5 - Quarterly Regulatory Activity 8 $1,836 $2,010 $2,030 $2,090 $2,150 $2,210 $16.1 $16.2 $16.7 $17.2 $17.7
<br />Permit Level 6 - Semi-annual Regulatory Activity 12 $912 $1,210 $1,230 $1,260 $1,300 $1,340 $14.5 $14.8 $15.1 $15.6 $16.1
<br />Permit Level 7 - Annual Regulatory Activity 1 $456 $970 $980 $1,010 $1,040 $1,070 $1.0 $1.0 $1.0 $1.0 $1.1
<br />Compliance Monitoring Composite Sample 127 $1,064 $730 $740 $760 $780 $810 $92.7 $94.0 $96.5 $99.1 $102.9
<br />Compliance Monitoring Grab Sample 68 $440 $580 $590 $610 $620 $640 $39.4 $40.1 $41.5 $42.2 $43.5
<br />Violation Follow-up Composite Sample 3 $1,515 $1,170 $1,180 $1,220 $1,250 $1,290 $3.5 $3.5 $3.7 $3.8 $3.9
<br />Violation Follow-up Grab Sample 9 $955 $1,020 $1,030 $1,060 $1,090 $1,120 $9.2 $9.3 $9.5 $9.8 $10.1
<br />Lab Analyses for BOD, TSS, pH 132 na $265 $275 $280 $290 $300 $35.0 $36.3 $37.0 $38.3 $39.6
<br />Other Lab Analyses 62 cost + 10%na na na na na
<br />TOTAL $277.7 $282.2 $290.0 $297.9 $307.9
<br />* Revenues from fees for current Service User Monitoring (Composite and Grab) and Triennial Permits are included in the fees listed above.
<br /> The current Service User Monitoring (Composite and Grab) fees are shown for the Compliance Monitoring sample categories.
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