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Section 2 Development of Unit Costs <br /> <br />2-2 <br />DRAFT for review purposes only. Use of contents on this sheet is subject to the limitations specified at the end of this document. <br />2.2 Services & Supplies Unit Costs <br />Services & supplies costs are expenditures related to CUPA and Pretreatment Program functions. <br />Expenditures for CUPA and for the Pretreatment Program are budgeted and expensed using separate <br />expense codes for each program. Expenditure expense codes and budgeted expenditures for FY21 – <br />FY26 are shown in Appendix A, Table A-2 and summarized in the table below. <br />Services & supplies expenditures related to CUPA and Pretreatment Program functions are denominated <br />(divided by) the projected number of direct labor hours expensed by the Environmental Protection <br />Specialist I/II and the Environmental Services Supervisor in providing CUPA and Pretreatment Program <br />services. Projected direct labor hours for each program are shown in the table below. Direct labor hours <br />for each program are shown in detail in Section 3 (CUPA) and Section 4 (Pretreatment Program). The unit <br />cost for services and supplies for the CUPA and Pretreatment Programs are different because the <br />budgeted expenditures and the projected direct labor hours for each program are different. <br />The current Environmental Services budget does not include an expense code for laboratory analysis of <br />wastewater discharge samples collected for the purpose of measuring the concentration of BOD and TSS <br />and the pH of wastewater discharge from commercial and industrial users. The projected annual <br />expenditure for these laboratory analyses and the projected number of analyses are shown in the table <br />below. <br />Calculation of the unit costs for Service & Supplies for CUPA and the Pretreatment Program for FY21 – <br />FY26 are shown in the table below. Calculation of the unit costs for laboratory analysis of wastewater <br />discharge service charge parameters (BOD, TSS and pH) for FY21 – FY26 are also shown in the table <br />below. <br /> <br />Table 2-2. Services & Supplies Costs and Unit Costs <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />UNIT COST, SERVICE & SUPPLIES FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 <br />CUPA Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected <br />Dollar Allocation $175,421 $178,420 $183,790 $189,340 $195,020 $200,880 <br />Service Labor Hours * 5,132 5,132 5,132 5,132 5,132 5,132 <br />Unit Cost per Direct Labor Hour $34.18 $34.77 $35.81 $36.89 $38.00 $39.14 <br />PRETREATMENT <br />Dollar Allocation $78,990 $79,000 $81,370 $83,800 $86,310 $88,880 <br />Service Labor Hours *1,990 1,990 1,990 1,990 1,990 1,990 <br />Unit Cost per Direct Labor Hour $39.69 $39.69 $40.88 $42.10 $43.36 $44.65 <br />UNIT COST, SERVICE CHARGE PARAMETERS FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 <br />SAMPLE LABORATORY ANALYSIS Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected <br />Dollar Allocation $35,000 $35,000 $36,050 $37,130 $38,240 $39,390 <br />Units of Sample Analyses 132 132 132 132 132 132 <br />Unit Cost per Sample Analysis (rounded to nearest $5) $265.00 $265.00 $275.00 $280.00 $290.00 $300.00 <br />* Service labor hours are the sum of EPS I/II and ES Supervisor labor hours for all CUPA fees. <br />32