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File Number: 21-327 <br />costs to administer those programs. The study, a draft of which is attached to this staff report, <br />uses inputs from Environmental Services staff about the amount of time it takes to perform <br />activities, the staff labor rates and the cost of supplies and services to calculate adjustments to <br />current fees. <br />The study found that some of the fees in the CUPA program were generating significantly less <br />revenue than the program costs. However, the calculated fee increases may place an undue <br />burden on local businesses. For this reason, staff recommends phasing in some of the CUPA fee <br />adjustments over five years. The calculated changes to Pretreatment fees are smaller and staff <br />recommends implementing these for Fiscal Year 2022. <br />The recommended fees are attached to the resolution that accompanies this report. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The proposed fee adjustments will generate additional revenue to support the CUPA program. <br />However, for the first four fiscal years, the projected revenue will be less than the projected <br />expenses for the program. The Pretreatment revenues will remain about the same. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />CUPA and Pretreatment Fees Study, dated May 2021 <br />PREPARED BY: <br />Justin Jenson, Water Pollution Control Manager <br />Hayes Morehouse, Water Pollution Control Administrative Analyst <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/4/2021 <br />18