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8B Consent 2021 0607
City Clerk
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Packet 2021 0607
8B Consent 2021 0607
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 21-293 <br />crumb rubber chips produced from recycled tires, and asphalt emulsions. The particular treatment <br />process is individually selected for each street based on its pavement condition. <br />The City is divided into four asphalt maintenance areas and each year maintenance work is <br />concentrated within one area to improve efficiency while reducing costs. Street sealing did not <br />occur in 2020 due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic; however, this project will apply <br />street sealing maintenance in both the 2020 and 2021 Asphalt Maintenance Zones. The worst <br />streets that are suitable for each treatment within the 2020 and 2021 Maintenance Areas were <br />chosen for this project, with priority given to arterial and collector streets that carry more vehicles. <br />One of the benefits of the proposed project is its ability to extend the lifespan of streets in <br />relatively good condition with minimum expense. <br />In advance of this work and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the City <br />Council awarded a $339,588 contract to FBD Vanguard Construction Inc. for the installation of <br />curb ramps adjacent to cape seal work in the 2020 Maintenance Area and a $550,352 contract to <br />Spencon Construction Inc. for the installation of curb ramps adjacent to cape seal work in the <br />2021 Maintenance Area. <br />The City applied for a grant from the California Department of Resources Recycling and <br />Recovery (CalRecycle) for the use of crumb rubber chips derived from scrap rubber tires in the <br />rubberized chip seal process. Not only does the use of recycled tires provide an excellent <br />product, it provides for an opportunity to reduce the quantity of non-biodegradable byproducts <br />from filling landfills and polluting the environment; this is in line with the City’s sustainability efforts <br />under the Climate Action Plan. When awarded, this grant will offset up to $150,000 of project <br />costs. <br />In addition to the work on the Asphalt Maintenance Areas 2020 and 2021, this project will <br />construct work on Fairmont Drive, between E. 14th Street and Hesperian Boulevard. In 2020, the <br />San Francisco Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) awarded grant funds of <br />$220,000 toward the implementation of a road diet including the installation of Class IV bike <br />lanes on Fairmont Drive, between E. 14th Street and Hesperian Boulevard. This segment of <br />Fairmont Drive is listed in the City’s 2018 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan as a study corridor <br />for the implementation of Class IV protected bicycle lanes. Analysis shows a road diet on this <br />segment will not reduce the level of service to unacceptable levels. <br />Additive bid items A and B to seal additional streets were a part of the contract documents. The <br />additive bid items provide the opportunity for the City to use advantageous bid prices to the fullest <br />extent. Additionally, it allows us to complete maintenance on more street sections and to meet <br />our timely use of funds requirement of the Alameda County Transportation Commission. <br />Analysis <br />Bids were opened on May 18, 2021. Only one bid was received for $2,770,948 (Base Bid), <br />$484,499 (Additive Bid A) and $401,443 (Additive Bid B). The pre-bid engineer’s estimate for <br />construction was $3,106,436 (Base Bid), $480,336 (Additive Bid A) and $417,338 (Additive Bid <br />B). Staff recommends the award of base bid plus additive bids “A” and “B”, totaling $3,656,891 <br />to the lowest responsive bidder, American Pavement Systems, Inc. Staff verified the contractor <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/4/2021 <br />95
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