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Disclosures <br />Each strategy represented as a Sample Portfolio is a hypothetical portfolio only and does not reflect actual investment decisions or recommendations. It is solely for illustrative purposes <br />and is subject to change at any time. It is not intended to represent a specific investment. It does not reflect the liquidity constraints of actual investing or the impact that material <br />economic and market factors may have on an investment adviser's decision -making. Investors cannot invest in the Sample Portfolio and actual investment results may differ materially. <br />An account could incur losses as well as gains. The Sample Portfolio does not reflect the deduction of advisory fees, brokerage, commissions, or any other actual client expenses, which <br />would reduce investor returns. The sample portfolio does not always reflect the potential impact of active management, excluding those investments that are only available from an active <br />manager. Advisory fees are described in Form ADV, Part 2A and are available upon request. <br />A Sample Portfolio's expected return (comprised of capital appreciation and income/dividends) is calculated the following way: <br />1. The expected return of each asset class in a given Sample Portfolio is determined through a combination of historical rates of returns, valuation projections, and economic <br />expectations. Expected rates of return are provided by HighMark proprietary research which incorporates Wilshire Associates Incorporated assumptions. Expected rates of return <br />are developed and annually reviewed by HighMark's Asset Allocation Committee. <br />2. With 30-year forecasts for U.S. Treasuries, Wilshire's ten year forecast for U.S. Treasuries is used as the assumed return for the first ten years of the 30-year period. Over the <br />following twenty years (years 11-30), Wilshire's ULT forecast is used as the assumed return for U.S Treasuries. The resulting combination of the assumed return on U.S. <br />Government bonds over the two periods becomes HighMark's 30-year forecast subject to rounding. All other taxable fixed income asset classes are derived from the expected <br />return on U.S. Treasuries plus a credit or term premium consistent with those of the ten year forecasts. <br />3. With 30-year forecasts for global equity, Wilshire's ten year forecast for global equity is used as the assumed return for the first ten years of the 30-year period. Over the following <br />twenty years (years 11-30), Wilshire's ULT forecast is used as the assumed return for global equities. The return on cash over this period is derived from the 10 and 30-year cash <br />assumptions. The resulting combination of the assumed global equity returns over the two periods becomes HighMark's 30-year forecast subject to rounding. <br />4. Returns reflect the reinvestment of dividends, interests, and other distributions. <br />5. An expected return for the Sample Portfolio is then calculated by weighting the returns for each asset class according to the exposure as determined by HighMark's current strategic <br />allocation. <br />Expected returns generated are before taxes and any fees. The standard deviation for an asset class represents its possible divergence of the actual return for an asset class from its <br />expected return. It is a statistical measure of the potential magnitude of volatility of an asset class from its expected return. The range of returns may be higher or lower than those <br />predicted by expected standard deviation. <br />In certain sub asset classes where Wilshire does not provide a discrete 10-year return forecast, HighMark supplements Wilshire's 10-year expected returns with its proprietary <br />methodology which is based on various market and economic factors some of which are described below. To obtain a full copy of the methodology please contact <br /> <br />• US Equities — Expected returns at sub asset class level are determined by starting with Wilshire Broad Market 10 year forecast and interpolating into sub asset class returns by <br />referencing Wilshire 5000 index data. <br />• Municipal Bonds — HighMark determines expected returns by assuming there will be historical return discounts for municipal bonds relative to U.S. Treasuries. <br />• Alternative Investments - Expected total return forecasts for alternative investments begin with the forecast for the return on cash over the respective time -horizon and adjusting for <br />estimating the Sharpe ratio (excess return / standard deviation) of each alternative strategy based on the observed long-term performance of a representative strategy specific hedge <br />fund peer group index. <br />HighMark Capital Management, Inc. (HighMark), an SEC -registered investment adviser, is a wholly owned subsidiary of MUFG Union Bank, N.A. (MUB). HighMark manages institutional <br />separate account portfolios for a wide variety of for -profit and nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and public and private retirement plans. MUB, a subsidiary of MUFG Americas <br />Holdings Corporation, provides certain services to HighMark and is compensated for these services. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Individual account <br />management and construction will vary depending on each client's investment needs and objectives. Investments employing HighMark strategies are NOT insured by the FDIC or <br />by any other Federal Government Agency, are NOT Bank deposits, are NOT guaranteed by the Bank or any Bank affiliate, and MAY lose value, including possible loss of <br />principal. <br />@ HighMark Capital Management, Inc. 2021. All rights reserved <br />JHIGHMARKO <br />CAPITAL MANAGEMENT <br />