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File Number: 21-384 <br />with physical, intellectual, and developmental disabilities. <br />The City of San Leandro submitted its application for this grant in the Fall of 2019. Although <br />feedback from State staff indicated that the City’s application was very well conceived, the City <br />was ultimately notified that it was not awarded funding through the program as part of that round of <br />funding, which was highly competitive. Now that a new round of grant funding is available, City <br />staff recommends that the City Council affirm their support for the reapplication of funding for this <br />grant. The estimated total cost of all potential improvements remains unchanged from that which <br />was submitted in 2019 - up to $4.47 million. It’s conceivable that a lower level of funding could be <br />awarded, in which case the scope of the project could be commensurately reduced to align with <br />the funding award level. The grant program does not require any local financial match, beyond the <br />use of staff time and ongoing maintenance costs, which could be absorbed using existing and <br />projected City resources, which are already being utilized to maintain the existing park space. To <br />the extent the City is successfully awarded funding during this round, the City Council would have <br />a subsequent opportunity to review and consider the proposed grant before accepting the grant <br />funds or authorizing any ancillary commitments associated with the grant program. <br />One of the grant submittal requirements includes a requirement that the City Council adopt a <br />resolution affirming its support for the City’s efforts to re-apply for the grant funding. A copy of the <br />resolution is included in the City Council agenda packet for this item, which is virtually identical to <br />the City Council resolution that was adopted in 2019 for this same purpose. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />None. Adoption of the associated resolution authorizes the grant application only. In the event the <br />City is successful in its efforts to secure grant funding, details of the grant award, including fiscal <br />details, would be presented to the City Council for its review and consideration at a future City <br />Council meeting. <br />PREPARED BY: Eric Engelbart, Deputy City Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/19/2021 <br />500