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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE 4 CITY CLERK <br />San Leandro Administrative Code <br />DRAFT 2021 UPDATE <br />Chapter 4.2 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br /> <br />• Schedule C: Income, Loans, and Business Positions <br />• Schedule D: Income – Gifts <br /> <br />CATEGORY 4 – REGULATORY / PERMIT / LICENSING / GRANT AUTHORITY <br /> <br />All designated employees and officials in this category shall disclose all investments, business <br />positions and sources of income from business entities, and interests in real property, which are <br />subject to the regulatory, permit or licensing authority of the City of San Leandro, or which may <br />receive grants from the City of San Leandro. <br /> <br />Employees in this category must complete all schedules on the Form 700 Statement of Economic <br />Interests Form: <br />• Schedule A-1: Investments <br />• Schedule A-2: Investments, Income, and Assets of Business Entities/Trusts <br />• Schedule B: Interest in Real Property <br />• Schedule C: Income, Loans, and Business Positions <br />• Schedule D: Income – Gifts <br />• Schedule E: Income – Travel Payments, Advances, and Reimbursements <br /> <br />CATEGORY 5 – REAL PROPERTY DECISION <br /> <br />All designated employees and officials in this category shall disclose all investments, business <br />positions and sources of income from business entities which engage in land development, <br />construction or the acquisition or sale of real property, and all interests in real property. <br /> <br />Employees in this category must complete all schedules on the Form 700 Statement of Economic <br />Interests Form: <br />• Schedule A-1: Investments <br />• Schedule A-2: Investments, Income, and Assets of Business Entities/Trusts <br />• Schedule B: Interest in Real Property <br />• Schedule C: Income, Loans, and Business Positions <br />• Schedule D: Income – Gifts <br />• Schedule E: Income – Travel Payments, Advances, and Reimbursements <br /> <br />Legislative History: <br />Resolution No. 2006-123, 11/20/2006 [§§4.2.100-4.2.105]; Resolution No. 2006-128, 12/04/2006 <br />[§§4.2.100-4.2.105]; Resolution No. 2008-144, 12/15/2008 [Appendices A, B, C]; Resolution No. <br />2011-005, 01/18/2011 [Appendices A, B, C]; Resolution No. 2013-033, 03/18/2013 [Appendices <br />A, B, C]; Resolution No. 2015-029, 02/17/2015 [§§4.2.100—4.2.105, Appendices A, B]; <br />Resolution No. 2016-146, 11/07/2016 [§§4.2.100—4.2.115, Appendices A, B]; Resolution No. <br />2018-075, 7-16-2018 [§§4.2.100—4.2.115, Appendices A, B] <br />365