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8H Consent 2021 0628
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2021 0628 Adjourned
8H Consent 2021 0628
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6/23/2021 9:12:43 PM
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6/23/2021 9:12:40 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2021-101 Meyers Nave 5 Year Agmt
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2021
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1 <br /> <br />AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF SAN LEANDRO AND MEYERS NAVE RIBACK SILVER & WILSON <br />City of San Leandro, California, a Municipal Corporation hereinafter referred to as “City” and Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson, a professional law corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Meyers Nave.” <br />RECITALS <br />Whereas, in 1986 City transitioned from in-house legal services to contract legal services, and retained Meyers Nave to provide contract City Attorney legal services to City; and <br />Whereas Meyers Nave has continued to provide contract legal services to City to the date of this Agreement by virtue of various contracts and contract amendments; and <br />Whereas it is the desire of the parties hereto to enter this Agreement and establish the terms and conditions for continued rendition of legal services to City and the compensation therefore; <br />NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED as follows: <br />1. Appointment of City Attorney <br />City retains Meyers Nave and appoints Richard D. Pio Roda (hereinafter referred to as “Attorney”) as City Attorney; and Kristopher Kokotaylo as Senior Assistant City Attorney. Meyers Nave and Attorney agree to faithfully represent the legal interests of the City during the term of this Agreement. <br />2. Attorney’s Services <br />2A. The City hires Meyers Nave to provide legal services as City Attorney. <br />City Attorney duties shall include those legal services as set forth in Section 425 of the San Leandro Charter and as generally understood within the field of municipal law to fall within the category of “city attorney/general counsel services” including but not necessarily limited to, the following: <br />a) Regular attendance at City Council, study sessions, closed sessions and all meetings necessary to provide basic legal counsel; <br />b) Attendance at Planning Commission meetings, Board of Zoning Adjustments or other City Commission or Board meetings upon the request of the City Council or City Manager to provide legal advice and/or serve as counsel; <br />c) Serve as legal counsel to bodies as may be created and represented by or for the City Council, and which meet regularly or periodically or on an as needed basis; <br />d) Review and/or preparation of staff reports, ordinances, resolutions, orders, agreements, forms, notices, declarations, certificates, deeds, leases, and other documents required by the City; <br />e) Consultation with the City Council and City staff as needed - rendering of legal advice and opinions (both oral and written) concerning legal matters that affect the City including new legislation and court decisions; <br />415
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