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File Number: 21-362 <br />offered to maintain records of the location of the facilities, provide records upon request, mark <br />locations of abandoned facilities upon request, and remove the portion of abandoned facilities in <br />conflict with new or proposed improvements. These terms are included in the proposed <br />agreement. <br />As abandoned facilities can be difficult to identify, this agreement obligates PG&E to keep <br />accurate records of any facilities that they abandon. Abandoned facilities occupy some of the <br />finite space under City roadways and that space may someday be required for new active <br />underground utilities such as fiber optics or storm drains. PG&E has agreed to remove their <br />abandoned facilities when the space they occupy is needed for another improvement. <br />The City could require that unused facilities be completely removed rather than abandoned in <br />place to eliminate any future utility conflicts. Unfortunately, wholesale removal significantly <br />increases the duration of construction work which results in higher costs and more inconvenience <br />for the public. To balance cost impacts and public inconvenience, it is recommended that our <br />standard shall be to remove only the portions of abandoned underground utility in conflict with new <br />work and to require accurate recording and locating abandoned utilities left in place as to <br />minimize these impacts, maximize the effectiveness of PG&E’s maintenance budget, and ensure <br />that the underground space will be available when needed. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On January 24, 1938 by Ordinance No. 535 N.S. the City council granted a franchise <br />agreement for gas distribution to PG&E. <br />·On January 24, 1938 by Ordinance No. 536 N.S. the City council granted a franchise <br />agreement for electricity distribution to PG&E. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Goal CSF-6: Ensure that local water, sewer, storm drainage, solid waste, energy, and <br />telecommunication facilities are well maintained; improvements meet existing and future needs; <br />and land use decisions are contingent on the adequacy and maintenance of such facilities. <br />Environmental Review <br />Operation and repair of existing facilities is exempt from environmental review per section 15301 <br />of the California Code of Regulations (California Environmental Quality Act). <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/8/2021 <br />12