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RESOLUTION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO.2021-105 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL <br />AFFIRMING THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS DECISION TO APPROVE A <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, PARKING EXCEPTION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW <br />AND FINDING NO ADDITIONAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED UNDER THE <br />CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PURSUANT TO PUBLIC <br />RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21094.5 AND CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15183.3 <br />FOR THE CALLAN & EAST 14TH STREET PROJECT APPLICATION AND <br />DENYING THE APPEALS BY EAST BAY RESIDENTS FOR RESPONSIBLE <br />DEVELOPMENT AND LABORERS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH <br />AMERICA, LOCAL 304, CASE NUMBER PLN18-0036 <br />WHEREAS, 14th and Callan Street Developer LLC ("Applicant") proposes to construct <br />a ±286,204 square foot building 74'8" in height, consisting of a 23,189 square foot grocery/retail <br />space, 5,660 square feet of non -grocery retail space, a two-story parking structure with 70 <br />parking spaces at the ground level, an additional 216 parking spaces on the second floor with <br />adequate clearance for parking stackers, and 196 residential apartment units on three stories <br />consisting of approximately 127,743 square feet, with an additional 5,893 square feet of amenity <br />space servicing the units ("Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Project site is comprised of four parcels totaling 1.6 acres located in <br />downtown San Leandro on a city block bounded by E. 14th St. to the west, Chumalia St. to the <br />north, Hyde St. to the east and Callan Ave. to the south, APNs 77-447-14-6, 77-447-15-6, 77- <br />447-14-7, and 77-447-7-1 ("Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Property is zoned DA-1(S), Downtown Area 1 Special Review Overlay <br />District, in the City's Zoning Code and has a General Plan designation of Downtown Mixed <br />Use; and <br />WHEREAS, the Property is further identified in the adopted Downtown San Leandro <br />Transit -Oriented Development Strategy ("TOD Strategy"), located with Special Policy Area <br />3; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Leandro adopted Resolution No. 2016- <br />02E on February 16, 2016 authorizing the execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the <br />sale of the City -owned parking lot located at 1188 E. 14th St. to advance overall development of <br />the subject Property in accord with the adopted TOD Strategy; and <br />WHEREAS, the Project, located within the designated Downtown San Leandro Priority <br />Development Area (PDA), was evaluated and found to be consistent with the development <br />strategies identified in Plan Bay Area 2040, including meeting primary objectives to provide <br />adequate housing and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by focusing growth and <br />development in communities along the existing transportation networks; and <br />