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Reso 2021-105 Callan & East 14th Project CUP, Parking and Site Plan
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2021-105 Callan & East 14th Project CUP, Parking and Site Plan
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8/2/2021 9:55:31 AM
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7/15/2021 10:57:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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5A Public Hearings 2021 0706
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a. The proposed Project is located on an infill site, and is a Transit Priority Project in that <br />it (i) contains approximately 154,121 square feet of residential use, which is 53 percent of the <br />total building square -footage proposed for the Project, which is 286,204 square feet; (ii) provides <br />a density of 123 dwelling units per acre; and (iii) is within a Transit Priority Area one-half mile <br />of a major transit stop or high -quality transit corridor included in a regional transportation plan, <br />which includes the San Leandro BART station as well as a number of bus stations; <br />b. The Project is consistent with the general use designation, density, building intensity, <br />and applicable policies specified for the project area in San Francisco Bay Area's Sustainable <br />Communities Strategy, the Plan Bay Area 2040, as described in detail in Chapter 2.1 of the Infill <br />Checklist. Specifically, the Project is consistent with key land use targets identified in Plan Bay <br />Area 2040 as the Project is a transit -oriented, high density mixed -use retail and residential <br />project located within the Alameda County Urban Growth Boundary; <br />c. The Project has incorporated all feasible mitigation measures, performance standards, <br />or criteria set forth by the City in prior EIRs and adopted in findings made pursuant to California <br />Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21081, which are incorporated herein by reference. In <br />addition, the Infill Checklist identifies relevant City Standard Conditions of Approval (SCAB) <br />which function as uniformly applicable development policies (UADPs) that will substantially <br />mitigate environmental effects. These SCAs and UADPs are adopted as requirements of <br />individual projects when approved by the City and they will be imposed on the Project; <br />d. In addition, the Project meets the criteria and performance standards for an "infill <br />project" under PRC Section 21094.5 and CEQA Guidelines section 15183.3 and Appendix M <br />that allows the use of an Infill Project Checklist under CEQA Guidelines Appendix N as the <br />basis for an Infill Checklist (CEQA Guidelines section 15183.3(d)1) and ((2)(A)). The discussion <br />and findings related to the proposed Project as an "infill project" in Section 2.1 of the Infill <br />Checklist are incorporated herein. <br />2. All potentially significant or significant project and cumulative effects required to be <br />identified in the Infill Checklist have been identified and analyzed, including those effects that <br />have been analyzed in the City's prior EIRs, consistent with the standards in the Infill Project <br />Checklist; <br />3. That it has carefully reviewed and considered the information contained in the Infill <br />Checklist (including any comments received on the Project) prior to acting upon the Infill <br />Checklist and Project; <br />4. That the 2021 Appendix N Infill Checklist for the Project identifies General Plan <br />policies and/or actions that would apply to the development of the project and have been <br />determined in the General Plan EIR to substantially mitigate environmental effects. It also <br />identifies UADPs that would substantially mitigate environmental impacts that were either not <br />analyzed in the General Plan EIR or that are more significant (i.e., substantially more severe) <br />than previously analyzed. Consistent with the requirements of CEQA Guidelines section <br />15183.3, the Infill Checklist determined that the project would not result in any significant <br />impacts that are substantially more severe than anticipated in the General Plan EIR that cannot <br />be substantially mitigated by uniformly applicable development policies or standards. The Infill <br />RESOLUTION NO.2021-105 <br />
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