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File Number: 21-444 <br />housing affordable to lower and moderate income households in San Leandro. Provide <br />administrative and technical assistance to affordable housing developers and support the <br />applications of these developers for loans, grants, tax credits, and other financing sources that <br />facilitate affordable housing production in the City. <br />Action 53.03-A: Applications for Grant Funding. <br />Continue to pursue all available funding sources for affordable housing construction, <br />including annual applications for federal CDBG and HOME funds, and applications for <br />state funds through the Department of Housing and Community Development. <br />Action 53.03-B: Support for Non-Profit and For-Profit Affordable Housing Developers. <br />Continue to provide support and information to non-profit and for-profit developers seeking <br />to create affordable housing in San Leandro, including assistance in applications for Low <br />Income Housing Tax Credits, Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Affordable Housing Program <br />funds, and other funding sources. <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed affordable housing development of a multi-family residential building will have the <br />required review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The developer <br />anticipates applying for planning entitlements under SB 35 streamlining. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·Community meeting sponsored by the City of San Leandro via Zoom on June 1, 2021 to <br />introduce the 15101 Washington Ave. project to the neighborhood. Meeting notices were <br />sent to the Washington Manor Homeowners Association (HOA), Manor Task Force, and <br />the 200 households that are within a 500-foot radius of the property. Attendees included <br />members from each of these groups. <br />Legal Analysis <br />This staff report and related documents were reviewed and approved as to form by the City <br />Attorney’s Office. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Of the $7 million proposed to be awarded to Abode, the only fiscal impact to the City will be on <br />the Low Mod Housing Asset Fund, which currently has a balance of approximately $2,400,000 in <br />unencumbered funds (Fund 168). These funds consist of repayments from the former <br />Redevelopment Agency Housing Set-Aside Fund loan assets (such as the down payment <br />assistance and owner-occupied housing rehabilitation loan programs as well as prior <br />development loans to nonprofit developers). The use of these funds is designated specifically for <br />affordable housing production activities, such as affordable rental housing developments. City <br />staff recommends awarding approximately $1.635 million from the Low Mod Housing Asset Fund <br />to Abode. <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2021 <br />870