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File Number: 21-435 <br />The 2021 CAP includes the following key components for climate mitigation and GHG emissions <br />reduction: <br /> <br />A. Quantification of GHG emissions with baseline and future forecast inventories; <br />B. Establishment of the level whereby activities covered by the CAP would not exceed targets <br />of 40% for 2030 and 80% for 2050, consistent with State targets and the General Plan and <br />measured-based on substantial evidence; <br />C. Identification and analysis of GHG emissions resulting from specific actions anticipated <br />within San Leandro; <br />D. Specification of measures, including performance standards, that would achieve the GHG <br />emissions reductions targets; <br />E. Establishment of a mechanism to monitor the CAP’s progress towards reaching the <br />adopted targets; and <br />F. Adoption of the CAP in a public process including environmental review under CEQA <br />guidelines. <br />In addition to addressing GHG emissions reductions, the 2021 CAP also focuses on climate <br />adaptation. As evidenced by recent extreme weather and climate-induced conditions, the region <br />is already experiencing impacts related to climate change that require the City to focus on <br />resilience and adaptation. Senate Bill (SB) 379 requires that local agencies review and update <br />General Plan Safety Elements to address climate adaptation and resiliency strategies or create a <br />stand-alone Climate Adaptation Plan. As the 2035 General Plan was updated prior to the <br />passage of SB 379, the creation of a stand-alone climate adaptation plan will satisfy this State <br />mandate. The 2021 CAP includes the following components to address climate adaptation: <br />A. Identification of potential climate change hazards and important physical, social, and <br />natural assets in the community; <br />B. Assessment and analysis of potential impacts and adaptative capacity to determine the <br />vulnerability for populations, natural resources, and community assets; <br />C. Development of adaptation strategies based on the results of the vulnerability assessment; <br />and <br />D. Development of the adaptation implementation framework. <br /> <br />Community Involvement <br />From September 2019 to December 2020, the Sustainability Office held close to 150 in-person <br />and virtual small-group meetings, 1:1 meetings, and presentations to community groups to <br />introduce the City’s climate program and the upcoming CAP update, the bulk of which were held <br />in the first six months. Audiences included parent associations, labor alliances, faith groups, <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2021 <br />22