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File Number: 21-435 <br />mitigation measures or alternative. <br />Planning staff has reviewed the proposed project and analyzed it based upon Section 15162 of <br />the CEQA Guidelines. Pursuant to CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, the City of San Leandro <br />completed an Addendum (Exhibit A to the Resolution) to the San Leandro 2035 General Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The Addendum includes an analysis of the proposed project, <br />based on Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, and whether the environmental effects from the <br />proposed project would be any different from those disclosed in the Certified EIR. The Addendum <br />concluded that the proposed project would not result in any new significant impacts or <br />substantially increase the severity of any significant impacts identified in the Certified EIR. No <br />new information of substantial importance was identified, and no new mitigation measures would <br />be necessary to reduce significant impacts. Applicable mitigation measures from the Certified <br />EIR will be included as conditions of approval when future projects are processed for planning <br />approvals. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS AND PUBLIC HEARING DRAFT <br /> <br />The draft CAP was presented to Planning Commission on June 3, 2021 and was recommended <br />for conditional approval with Planning Commission recommendations based on comments made <br />during the June 3rd meeting. The recommendations were made 5-1-1, with one Commissioner <br />absent. The Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt the 2021 CAP with <br />consideration of Planning Commission comments as outlined below. <br />Chair Boldt <br />·Make action language more mandatory, include the CAP update to 5 years, time frames <br />and benchmarks for actions <br />·Equity components are essential. Include mandatory contractor pre-qualifications for <br />projects <br />Commissioner Breslin <br />·Make action language mandatory and more implementable with a road map <br />·Commit to Reach Code with mandatory EV parking and solar on new buildings, to be <br />implemented a year from now <br />Vice Chair Pon <br />·Include concrete transportation actions, such as more bike lanes <br />·Make action language mandatory <br />·Give electric bikes/mopeds for people turning in old combustion engine vehicles <br />·The 2021 CAP did not provide a plan to achieve the 80% reduction in GHG emissions. <br />The elephant in the room was Transportation (60%). To get to 80%, I asked you <br />approximately how much would we need to reduce the Transportation (ICE) source? You <br />guesstimate 2/3rds. My request was to lay out a plan that our City should implement to <br />reach that 2/3rds reduction. If funding wasn't now available to implement, the Council <br />should find that money. The other ideas mentioned were part of the Plan. If there isn't a <br />plan to achieve that 80%, then exclude that 2050 objective from the plan. <br />Commissioner Solis <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2021 <br />26