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ABAG Frequently Asked Questions about RHNA (July 2020) 2 <br />Who is responsible for RHNA? <br />Responsibility for completing RHNA is shared among state, regional, and local governments: <br />•The role of the State is to identify the total number of homes for which each region in <br />California must plan in order to meet the housing needs of people across the full <br />spectrum of income levels, from housing for very low-income households all the way to <br />market rate housing. This is developed by the California Department of Housing and <br />Community Development (HCD) and is known as the Regional Housing Need <br />Determination (RHND). <br />•The role of the region is to allocate a share of the RHND to each local government in <br />the region. As the Council of Governments (COG) for the nine-county Bay Area, the <br />Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) is responsible for developing the <br />methodology for sharing the RHND among all cities, towns, and counties in the region. <br />ABAG does this in conjunction with a committee of elected officials, city and county staff, <br />and stakeholders called the Housing Methodology Committee (HMC). <br />•The role of local governments is to participate in the development of the allocation <br />methodology and to update their Housing Elements and local zoning to show how they <br />will accommodate their share of the RHND, following the adoption of the RHNA <br />methodology. <br />What are the steps in the RHNA process? <br />Conceptually, RHNA starts with the Regional Housing Needs Determination provided by HCD, <br />which is the total number of housing units the Bay Area needs, by income group. The heart of <br />ABAG’s work on RHNA is developing the methodology to allocate a portion of housing needs to <br />each city, town, and county in the region. ABAG has convened a Housing Methodology <br />Committee made up of local elected officials and staff and stakeholders to advise staff on the <br />proposed methodology that ABAG will release for public comment in fall 2020. Following that <br />milestone, ABAG will then develop a draft methodology to send to HCD for its review in early <br />2021. <br />809