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will not be finaled until all recycling and disposal tags have been registered <br />into Green Halo Systems. <br />VII. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />1. Cal Green and Energy Code Compliance must be met and incorporated onto <br />plans. <br />2. All sheets of plans need to be stamped by a licensed professional including <br />MEP's (mechanical, electrical and plumbing). <br />3. Correct plans, project shall comply with all 2019 California Codes. <br />4. Provide occupancy type for each space. <br />5. Provide occupant loads of each space. <br />6. Provide Building Type of Construction. <br />7. Provide accessible path of travel from accessible parking spaces to entrance. <br />8. Verify that existing accessible restrooms are compliant with 2019 CBC. <br />9. Provide pedestrian gate at driveways must comply with 2019 CBC 11 B. <br />10. Clarify accessible path of travel from public right of way. <br />11. Provide approval from Alameda County Environmental Health for edible <br />products and any other required agency approval for this type of <br />manufacturing. <br />12. Provide a record of all California State licensure and approvals. <br />13. Provide information on types of processing and chemicals being used. <br />14. Identify how are chemicals being stored, and quantities stored. <br />15. Provide occupancy type, load and fire separation for adjacent tenant spaces <br />on the submitted plans. <br />16. Provide mechanical, electrical and plumbing plans. <br />17. An exit analysis will be required. <br />18. Construction and demolition recycling shall comply with 2019 CalGreen. <br />Page 13 of 17 <br />