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activity shall not commence prior to 8:00 a.m. and shall cease by 7:00 p.m. on <br />Sunday and Saturday. No such construction is permitted on Federal holidays. <br />As provided in the City of San Leandro's Noise Ordinance (Ordinance No. <br />2003-005), "construction" shall mean any site preparation, assembly, <br />erection, substantial repair, alteration, demolition or similar action, for or on <br />any private property, public right-of-way, streets, structures, utilities, facilities <br />or similar property. Construction activities carried on in violation of this Article <br />may be enforced as provided in Municipal Code Section 4.1.1130, and may <br />also be enforced by issuance of a stop work order and/or revocation of any or <br />all permits issued for such construction activity. <br />4. Construction Activity. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise, or <br />safety hazards for adjacent residents, businesses and properties. Dirt and <br />mud shall not be tracked onto Teagarden Street or surrounding streets from <br />the project site. <br />5. Construction Noise. Procedures with the highest noise potential shall be <br />scheduled for daylight hours, when ambient noise levels are highest. The <br />contractor(s) shall be required to employ the quietest among alternative <br />equipment or to muffle/control noise from available equipment. <br />X. MAINTENANCE <br />Site Maintenance. The site shall be well -maintained and shall be kept free of <br />litter, debris and weeds. <br />2. Landscape.Maintenance. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy, <br />growing condition at all times. Any damaged or dead plant material shall be <br />promptly replaced with a plant material similar in type and comparable in size <br />to the plant(s) being removed. Any landscaping shall be maintained so as not <br />to interfere or obstruct the public right-of-way for pedestrians and vehicles. <br />The landscaping adjacent to the driveway shall be maintained so it does not <br />exceed three feet in height above the top of the nearest adjacent curb and <br />gutter to allow for adequate sight distance, or unless otherwise approved by <br />the City's Transportation Engineer. <br />3. Graffiti. Any graffiti on the property occupied by the applicant shall be <br />promptly removed. <br />4. Noise. All uses and activities shall comply with the provisions of the San <br />Leandro Noise Regulations (Title IV, Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code). <br />5. Address Sign. The address sign(s) on the property shall be well maintained <br />at all times. Any damage to the signs shall be promptly repaired or replaced. <br />6. Temporary Sign. Unauthorized and temporary signage shall not be permitted <br />Page 15 of 17 <br />