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File Number: 21-341 <br />Agreement, as reflected in the proposed First Amendment to the Development Agreement. <br />Staff further recommends amending the Development Agreement to extend the term by an <br />additional five (5) years, to expire on January 4, 2027. <br />Staff also recommends amending the Development Agreement to apply upon the Project the <br />current requirements of the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Zoning Code Section <br />6.04.100 et seq.). <br />BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION <br />The subject site comprises a ±124,469 square foot (2.85 acre) parcel located on the east side of <br />Washington Avenue at the north corner of San Leandro Boulevard. Surrounding commercial and <br />residential sites on Washington Avenue are developed with residential uses including a mobile <br />home park to the south and east (Trailer Haven and San Leandro Court), single-family residential <br />to the north (Sandpiper Condominiums), and automotive businesses to the west across <br />Washington Avenue. The site was formerly part of the Singer-Friden business machine, <br />calculator, circuit board, cash register, and sewing machine manufacturing plant from <br />approximately 1968 to 1976. <br />The Applicant proposes to amend the Development Agreement previously approved by the City <br />Council on December 5, 2011 to exercise the five (5) year extension as allowed by Section 1.3.2 <br />of the Development Agreement, and to delete Section 2.10 prohibiting the Applicant from <br />requesting approval for conversion to a for-sale condominium project. <br />Subsequent to the approval of the Development Agreement, and due to a change in state law, the <br />City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, San Leandro Zoning Code Chapter 6.04, became <br />enforceable. Section 2.4.2(c) of the Development Agreement provides that in the event that <br />“Future Rules” are adopted by the City after the effective date of the Development Agreement, <br />such Future Rules shall apply to the Project upon the written consent of the Applicant. <br />Pursuant to Government Code Section 65868, a development agreement may be amended by <br />mutual consent of the parties to the agreement. Notice of intention to amend any portion of the <br />agreement shall be given in the manner provided by Government Code Section 65867, and an <br />amendment to an agreement shall be adopted by ordinance, and the City Council must find that <br />the amended Development Agreement is in compliance with the City General Plan, as required <br />by Government Code Section 65867.5. <br />ANALYSIS <br />Five (5) Year Extension and Vesting Tentative Map <br />The Vesting Tentative Map was approved and adopted by City Council in November 2011. <br />Government Code Section 66452.6 provides that a vesting tentative map on property subject to a <br />development agreement may be extended for the period of time provided by the development <br />agreement, but not beyond the duration of the development agreement. The proposed <br />amendment to the Development Agreement to exercise the five (5) year extension to the term of <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/2/2021 <br />57