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July 15, 2021Disaster Council Minutes <br />most of which are in the unvaccinated. Statewide, only 0.05% of vaccinated people <br />have been infected. While Alameda County is one of the most vaccinated counties <br />within the state, within the county, the highest case rates are in the priority <br />neighborhoods of E. and W. Oakland and Ashland/ Cherryland. The CDPH is working <br />with schools to ensure full in person learning this school year for K-12 and have set <br />guidelines for schools to follow. The message right now is that unvaccinated people <br />should wear a mask, and everyone should consider wearing them in indoors, high risk <br />settings, as well as maintaining good hand hygiene. <br />The county just experienced a heat event, rolling blackouts, a swarm of earthquakes <br />and is still under the threat of wildfire. These are reminders that people should be <br />prepared, set up alert and warning notification, and know their evacuation zone. <br />Nov 3-5, the Bay Area UASI will be conducting a summit, including the Golden Eagle <br />exercise, public outreach, and a rad/nuke exercise. County OES has sent a survey to <br />see what cities will be doing for the Golden Eagle exercise. <br />Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) reported the District is having a graduation <br />today for the 2021 recruit academy, with 10 graduates. Four apparatus are out of <br />county on mutual aid requests fighting fires. The staffing levels in San Leandro are still <br />good. Like Catrina mentioned, the Department is looking to restart the hybrid CERT <br />program in Dec, with testing in 2022. <br />City of San Leandro <br />• San Leandro City Manager <br />• San Leandro Police <br />• Other City Departments <br />2.C. <br />City Manager Robustelli reported that City will have a pop-up vaccine clinic from 9:30 <br />a.m.- 3:30 p.m. on July 21 SCC for anyone over 12. Those under 18 will need to be <br />accompanied by a parent or guardian. <br />San Leandro Police shared that vaccines are available to all over the age of 12. Within <br />the city, there have been 5,738 cases, 65,331 (85%) residents over 12 have received <br />1st dose and 53,361 (68.4%) fully vaccinated, according to the ACPHD website. While <br />the numbers are good, but there is a long way to go to ensure that the public is fully <br />protected. <br />The new Chief, Abdul Pridgen, formerly of the City of Seaside, was introduced to PD <br />staff. Susan Manheimer will be the interim until Sept 13. The virtual Community <br />Emergency Response Team (CERT) training for July was cancelled because not <br />enough people signed up. Another class will be held in December, in partnership with <br />ACFD. The hands-on portion will be held in 2022. <br />A question was asked about the availability of vaccines and why people might be <br />refusing. Vaccines are still readily available to anyone who wants it, though some have <br />hesitated because the FDA has not provided full approval. Many of the recent cases <br />are in those between 18 and 40 who don’t think they are going to get COVID. <br />Page 3City of San Leandro <br />123