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File Number: 21-335 <br />The City owns adjacent property at 1490 Washington Avenue which serves as a parking lot for <br />the businesses in downtown shopping areas. WannaWin has explored potential locations within <br />the public right of way for these connections but has found none. As such, WannaWin has <br />requested to put a PG&E electric transformer in an existing landscape island in the parking lot <br />and run their gas and electric conduits below grade and through the driveway to their building for <br />service of those utilities. To do so, the City must grant an easement to PG&E for the placement <br />of their utilities on City property. <br />The use of this easement shall be strictly limited to the construction and maintenance of a conduit <br />path and service to an above-ground transformer located in a median island within the parking lot <br />at 1490 Washington Avenue. Furthermore, the installation of any lines will be underground, with a <br />service area interface and concrete pad installed above ground on City property. <br />An agreement has also been developed between the City of San Leandro and WannaWin to <br />outline roles and responsibilities related to the easement and transformer. While not planned or <br />anticipated at this time, the City will have the ability to terminate the utility easement if changes <br />need to be made to the City owned parking lot in the future,. WannaWin will be responsible for <br />the cost of removal of the transformer and associated facilities. In order to provide the property <br />owner some assurance in their substantial investment under the proposed agreement, the City <br />will not require that the transformer be relocated for at least 10 years, will provide WannaWin <br />notice one hundred eighty (180) days ahead of providing PG&E a 180-day notice (for a total of <br />one year notice period),and will work with WannaWin to find alternative locations as needed. <br />Analysis <br />Partnership with the property owner of 1495 E. 14th Street to provide an easement will help to <br />facilitate an exciting project that will bring a number of benefits to downtown San Leandro, provide <br />economic benefits to the City and its residents, and work towards community goals. Additionally, <br />the City’s risks are mitigated through an agreement with WannaWin outlining future <br />responsibilities and costs. <br />The property at 1495 E. 14th Street has been vacant for over 12 years and Economic <br />Development staff have worked with the previous and current property owners over the years to <br />promote a positive development at the property for the community. Remodeling of this property <br />works towards the goals of the Downtown Transit-Oriented Development Plan and represents a <br />‘completion’ of improved properties at the key downtown corner of Juana Avenue and E. 14th <br />Street. <br />Activation of this corner helps to improve not only the business environment, but the pedestrian <br />environment and aesthetics of the area. Interior and exterior improvements will also help to <br />contribute to placemaking in the area, including outdoor improvements along East 14th Street <br />and opening the rear of the building for an inviting indoor/outdoor space. Community benefits will <br />include the installation of public art and upgrades to the shared public trash enclosure servicing <br />the area. <br />The rehabilitation of 1495 E. 14th Street is expected to attract additional restaurants, office uses <br />and retail businesses to locate in downtown San Leandro, which will help to strengthen the local <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/2/2021 <br />129