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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />ORDINANCE NO.2021-009 <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL ADDING <br />CHAPTER 3.34, MHP MOBILE HOME PARK OVERLAY DISTRICT, AND <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 5.28, MOBILE HOME PARK CONVERSIONS, OF THE SAN <br />LEANDRO ZONING CODE, AND AMENDING THE SAN LEANDRO ZONING MAP <br />WHEREAS, the State of California recognizes, by the adoption of special legislation <br />regulating tenancies of mobile home owners in mobile home parks, that there is a significant <br />difference between homeowners in mobile home parks and other dwelling units; and <br />WHEREAS, owners of mobile homes in mobile home parks, unlike apartment tenants or <br />residents of other rental housing stock, are in the unique position of having made a substantial <br />investment in a residence that is located on property that is either rented or leased and not owned <br />by them; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro has nine (9) mobile home parks with <br />approximately eight hundred fifty-five (855) spaces located within the City limits. These spaces <br />represent a significant portion of the affordable housing supply within the City; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro General Plan, Chapter 6, Housing Element <br />provides for the following goals and actions: <br />1. Conservation of Mobile Home Parks. Promote the conservation and rehabilitation <br />of mobile home parks without displacing tenants or reducing the number of <br />affordable units. Mobile home parks should be recognized as an important <br />affordable housing resource for San Leandro's seniors and low-income <br />households (Policy 56.08). <br />2. Mobile Home Rent Stabilization. Consider adopting a mobile home rent <br />stabilization ordinance similar to the agreement currently in effect for Mission <br />Bay (Action 56.08-B) (The agreement would apply more broadly to residents of <br />all mobile home parks in the city and help protect the city's existing supply of <br />mobile homes.); and <br />WHEREAS, it is often difficult to move mobile homes from one park to another due to <br />the age and condition of some mobile homes and the limited availability of vacant spaces in <br />mobile home parks; and <br />WHEREAS, it is often costly to move a mobile home and, in many instances, moving a <br />mobile home requires separation of the mobile home from its appurtenances, which may create <br />severe damage and depreciation in value to the mobile home; and <br />