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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2021-006 <br />ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL AMENDING <br />SECTION 2-13-140 OF THE SAN LEANDRO MUNICIPAL CODE TO RELATING TO <br />THE ANNUAL CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI) ADJUSTMENT OF THE <br />EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TAX (EMS TAX) (INCREASES EMS TAX BY <br />CPI OF 1.84%) <br />Recitals <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 2-13-140 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, the <br />Emergency Medical Services Tax (EMS Tax) shall be adjusted annually by an amount not to <br />exceed the Consumer Price Index (All -Urban Consumers, San Francisco -Bay Area); and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adjust the tax per benefit unit from the current <br />rate of $19.34 to $19.70, based on the 1.84% annual CPI increase. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDAIN as <br />follows: <br />Section 1. Title 2, Chapter 13, Section 2-13-140 of the San Leandro Municipal Code <br />is amended to read as follows: <br />"2-13-140 AMOUNT OF TAX <br />The tax per "benefit unit" (BU) is Nineteen Dollars and Seventy Cents ($19.70) per year. <br />The number of benefit units shall be determined by the use to which the owner or occupant has <br />put the property, as follows: <br />Property Use <br />Benefit Units <br />One living unit <br />1 BU <br />Two to five living units <br />3 BU <br />Six or more living units <br />1 BU per unit <br />One-story stores <br />2 BU <br />Store first floor w/office/apartments above <br />4 BU <br />Miscellaneous commercial <br />2 BU <br />Department stores <br />5 BU <br />Discount houses <br />5 BU <br />Restaurants <br />4 BU <br />Shopping centers <br />7 BU <br />Supermarkets <br />4 BU <br />Comm/industrial condominiums <br />4 BU <br />Warehouses <br />2 BU <br />Light industry <br />4 BU <br />Heavy industry <br />6 BU <br />