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File Number: 21-539 <br />In 2015, the DBW merged the AWAF and VTIP grants to form the Surrendered and Abandoned <br />Vessel Exchange (SAVE) grant as part of an effort to streamline grant applications and <br />disbursements. <br />Using the awarded SAVE-18 grant for the period of October 2018 through September 2020, <br />Public Works removed 29 boats at a cost of $128,636. It is anticipated that there will be an <br />increase in the number of vessels that will be abandoned or submitted for the VTIP program over <br />the next two years with the decommissioning of the San Leandro Marina. The City applied for a <br />$170,000 SAVE grant for FY2021/2022 based on previous grant use and expected need. On <br />September 10, 2021 the State awarded the grant funds and issued the Grant Agreement - <br />Certificate of Funding. <br />Analysis <br />Pursuant to California Harbors and Navigation Code §525(c), a 10% local matching contribution <br />is required for the SAVE grant. The contribution may be rendered in cash, or through in-kind <br />contributions that must be verified and approved, all at the discretion of the Department of <br />Boating and Waterways. The local matching contribution could include, but is not limited to, <br />administrative costs, personnel hours, and removal costs. The City will contribute the 10% local <br />matching contribution in administrative costs and personnel hours (overseeing contracts and <br />preparing watercraft for towing, removal and disposal). <br />If the grant agreement is not authorized, the Shoreline Fund will bear the cost without <br />reimbursement. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney reviewed the grant agreement and approved it as to form. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />This Shoreline Fund project will cost approximately $187,000. The SAVE-21 grant will reimburse <br />a sum not to exceed $170,000. A 10% matching contribution is required. Public Works will <br />provide in-kind labor for grant administration and personnel hours associated with the removal <br />and destruction of the vessels. <br />Budget Authority <br />On June 28, 2021, Council approved an appropriation for $170,000 in the Shoreline Fund <br />(597-57-177) FY21/22 budget. A revenue account (597-3607) was established to receive <br />reimbursements from the SAVE-21 grant. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />SAVE-21 Grant Agreement - Certificate of Funding <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/30/2021