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5A Public Hearings 2021 1115
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Packet 2021 1115
5A Public Hearings 2021 1115
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11/11/2021 11:09:07 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2021-154 Amend Title 6 Ch 4 Admin Code - Fees and charges for depts
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2021
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Description Current Fee <br />1 <br />USERS are classified into the following groups for the purpose of determining applicable fees and charges. <br />-- Group Eligibility A:Programs administered by or for the City of San Leandro. <br />-- Group Eligibility B:* San Leandro non-profit organizations with ten or more members of whom at least 50% are San Leandro residents. <br />-- Group Eligibility C:* Non-San Leandro Non-profit organizations which serve San Leandro residents. <br />-- Group Eligibility D: San Leandro resident using the facility for private purposes. <br />-- Group Eligibility E:Non-resident individuals using the facility for private purposes <br />-- Group Eligibility F:San Leandro businesses with company facility located within San Leandro city limits. <br />-- Group Eligibility G:Non San Leandro businesses, commercial groups and non-profit organizations. <br />* Resident fees charged for all facility and picnic area use during peak weekend hours (Fridays after 5pm, Saturdays, Sundays) and holidays. <br />A. Facilities <br />Marina Community Center:A B C D E F GPatio Conference Room Hourly Rental Rate N/A $12 $12 $40 $61 $61 $71 <br />Multipurpose Room A, B, C, Thunderbolt Room Hourly Rental Rate N/A $24 $24 $65 $96 $96 $112 <br />Kitchen (Flat Rate)Flat Rate Coincides with Duration of Room Rental N/A $100 $100 $100 $150 $150 $175 <br />Kitchen (Hourly Rate)Hourly Rental Rate - for hours used in addition to the flat rate N/A $24 $24 $65 $96 $96 $112 <br />Titan Auditorium Hourly Rental Rate N/A $58 $58 $175 $263 $263 $306 <br />Senior Community Center:A B C D E F G <br />Main Hall Hourly Rental Rate N/A $58 $58 $175 $263 $263 $3061/2 Main Hall A (Not Available on Saturday)Hourly Rental Rate N/A $30 $30 $93 $140 $140 $1631/2 Main Hall B (Not Available on Saturday)Hourly Rental Rate N/A $30 $30 $93 $140 $140 $163Kitchen (flat rate )Flat Rate Coincides with duration of Room Rental N/A $100 $100 $100 $150 $150 $175 <br />Kitchen (Hourly Rate)Hourly Rental Rate - for hours used in addition to the flat rate N/A $24 $24 $65 $96 $96 $112 <br />Activities Room Hourly Rental Rate N/A $24 $24 $65 $96 $96 $112 <br />Meeting Room C Hourly Rental Rate N/A $24 $24 $65 $96 $96 $112 <br />Meeting Room D Hourly Rental Rate N/A $24 $24 $65 $96 $96 $112 <br />Arts & Crafts Room Hourly Rental Rate N/A $24 $24 $65 $96 $96 $112 <br />Health & Fitness Room Hourly Rental Rate N/A $30 $30 $96 $140 $140 $163Computer Lab Hourly Rental Rate N/A $40 $40 $120 $175 $175 $204 <br />Surlene Grant Community Room: <br />A B C D E F G <br />Meeting Room Hourly Rental Rate N/A $30 $30 $93 $140 $140 $163 <br />Kitchen (Flat Rate)Flat Rate Coincides with duration of Room Rental N/A $75 $75 $75 $113 $113 $170 <br />Halcyon Park Building Hourly Rental Rate N/A $24 $24 $65 $96 $96 $112 <br />Washington Manor Park Building Hourly Rental Rate N/A $24 $24 $65 $96 $96 $112 <br />Additional Fees for Facility Rentals:(Fees are the same for all categories)Opening/Closing Fee (when needed)$35 <br />Liability Insurance Fees determined for each use. <br />San Leandro Police Dept. Security Fee determined by current overtime rates for police personnel. <br />Private Vendor Security Fee determined by current hourly rates, nature of event, and number of participants. <br />Meeting Room Damage Deposit Titan Auditorium $625; All Other Rooms $125 <br />SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER FEES <br />RECREATION AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT <br />Facility/Parks/Pools/Fields Rental Fees <br />Rental fees are determined by group eligibility and facility used. Operational costs, setup & cleanup time, minimum rental hours, liability insurance fees, and security <br />fees may also be applicable. Minimum rental is two hours. Hourly rates are not prorated for parts of an hour. <br />MARINA COMMUNITY CENTER FEES <br />SURLENE GRANT COMMUNITY ROOM FEES <br />Reference <br />20
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