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8E Consent 2021 1115
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2021 1115
8E Consent 2021 1115
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2021-157 Measure BB Grant Agreement
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Alameda CTC Agreement No. A19-0069 <br />Project No. 1468020 <br /> <br /> Page 4 of 16 <br /> 2021 PFA Version <br />3. PROJECT SPONSOR shall inform ALAMEDA CTC in writing of any changes to the <br />information contained in Appendix A: Project Control Information as soon as PROJECT SPONSOR becomes <br />aware of such changes. Per Section III.2, any change that requires an amendment to this AGREEMENT must <br />be approved by ALAMEDA CTC prior to PROJECT SPONSOR implementing the change. <br /> <br />4. PROJECT SPONSOR shall commit to the timing of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS <br />as described in Appendix B: Alameda CTC Administered Funds Obligated by this Agreement. <br /> <br />5. PROJECT SPONSOR shall expend ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS received under <br />this AGREEMENT in accordance with all applicable provisions of law and shall return to ALAMEDA CTC all <br />funds that are not expended in accordance with all applicable provisions of law. <br /> <br />6. PROJECT SPONSOR shall be responsible for costs in excess of the total funding obligations <br />shown in Appendix A: Project Control Information. Costs in excess of the total funding obligations will not <br />be reimbursed with ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS unless this AGREEMENT is amended in writing <br />or the parties execute a separate agreement for a subsequent phase of the PROJECT. <br /> <br />7. PROJECT SPONSOR shall return to ALAMEDA CTC, on a pro-rated basis, funds realized from <br />the sale of any vehicle(s) purchased with ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS, if the sale of the vehicle(s) <br />is completed prior to the last day of the last year listed as the PROJECT’S “Years of Effectiveness” as <br />identified in either Appendix A: Project Control Information or Appendix G: Transportation Fund for Clean <br />Air Policies and Requirements, as applicable. The amount of sale proceeds required to be returned to <br />ALAMEDA CTC shall be proportional to the percentage of ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS originally <br />used to purchase the vehicle(s). <br /> <br />8. PROJECT SPONSOR staff costs for any local agency which receives DLD funding shall not be <br />eligible for reimbursement from ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS allocated to the PROJECT unless <br />staff costs are specifically identified as eligible in Appendix A: Project Control Information. Staff costs <br />included in Appendix A are limited to project implementation costs. Staff costs related to the administration <br />of this AGREEMENT including preparation of requests for reimbursement or progress reports are ineligible <br />for reimbursement. PROJECT SPONSOR staff costs funded by other sources can be included in the total cost <br />for the purpose of meeting the cost and risk sharing provisions of this AGREEMENT. <br /> <br />9. PROJECT SPONSOR staff costs eligible for reimbursement may include the individual’s actual <br />hourly wage plus a fringe benefit rate, as approved by a cognizant agency or an independent auditor, of up to <br />a maximum of 70% of the hourly wage. Staff costs also may include direct costs including contracted services, <br />such as legal counsel, that are considered an extension of the PROJECT SPONSOR’S staff. <br /> <br />10. PROJECT SPONSOR overhead, or "indirect," costs are not eligible for reimbursement from <br />ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS obligated by this AGREEMENT, and shall not be included in the total <br />eligible PROJECT cost calculations used to determine the ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS share of <br />such total eligible PROJECT costs. <br /> <br />114
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