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minor modification or bring it back to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for <br />review. The applicant shall consult with the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) <br />prior to submitting any requests for changes. <br />F. Prior to issuance of building permits, a final landscape.and irrigation plan shall <br />be submitted for review and approval. Said plans shall include, but are not <br />limited to, trees with a minimum size of 15 gallons, a pallet of shrubs and ground <br />cover planting that is flowering plants, or plants that have colorful foliage. The <br />minimum size for the shrubs shall be five gallons and the ground cover shall be <br />one gallon or shall be from flats with the necessary spacing to cover the planter <br />areas in one growing season. <br />IL PERMITTED USE <br />A. This Conditional Use Permit allows for Certified Blue Recycling, located at 2075 <br />Williams St. (Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Numbers 077A-0700-006-02 <br />/ 016-03) to: <br />1. Operate a Large Volume Transfer/Processing Facility with a Full Solid <br />Waste Permit (SWFP), as the existing facility is currently operating as a <br />Medium Volume C&D/inert Debris Processing Facility with a Registration <br />Permit; <br />2. Increase the amount of C&D/inert debris materials received, processed, <br />and recycled from 174 tons per day ("TPD") to 350 TPD (This would be <br />an increase of 176 tons or an approximately 101 percent increase over <br />existing conditions); <br />3. Accept CDI materials from the public; and <br />4. A fence modification to accommodate a "Push Wall" height of up to a <br />maximum 16"6" at the locations identified in "Attachment A" site plan and <br />elevation, subject to approval of the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />B. The facility operates under an existing conditional use permit (CUP) (PLN2009- <br />00022) from the City of San Leandro and a CalRecycle Enforcement Agency <br />Registration Permit issued by 'County of Alameda Environmental Health <br />Department Local Enforcement Agency (LEA). The facility is currently <br />permitted to process a maximum of 174 tons.per day of inert construction and <br />demolition debris. All applicable conditions of approval listed in PLN2009- <br />00022, shall remain in full effect, unless modified herein. <br />C. The project and use shall remain in substantial compliance with the approved <br />plans and exhibits, unless modified herein. <br />Agreement to Conditions May 7, 2020 <br />PLN19-0057 Page 5 of 13 <br />