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N. During construction the following high standards for sanitation are required: <br />garbage cans, construction dumpsters, and debris piles shall be removed on a <br />minimum weekly basis. All food related trash items such as wrappers, cans, bottles, <br />and food scraps shall be disposed of in closed containers only and shall be regularly <br />removed from the site. Inspections, conducted as part of the regular construction <br />compliance, will be conducted to ensure compliance of the Subdivider and <br />contractors with this requirement. <br />O. Washington Avenue is in the City's adopted Underground Utility District Master <br />Plan. This Master Plan can be found at: <br />https://w-%&, 992'Vo2OUnderground'Yo2OUtility%2ODis <br />t%20Master%20Plan.pdf. An Undergrounding in -lieu fee shall be calculated upon <br />the valuation of the improvements relative to the value of the property's existing <br />buildings. The valuation of the Building Permit application will be used to <br />compute the Underground Utility Fee to be assessed for the project. <br />IV. ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />A. One point of contact shall be provided for maintaining the Fire Sprinkler System. <br />B. One point of contact shall be provided for maintaining the Fire Alarm System <br />V. BUILDING & SAFETY SERVICES DIVISION REQUIREMENTS <br />A. Provide J# from Bay Area Air Quality Management District if demolishing any <br />structural walls of warehouse, or accessory structures on property. <br />B. Title 24 required for exterior or interior modifications to MEP <br />C. Construction and Demolition recycling per 2019 CalGreen <br />D. 2019 CalGreen Non -Residential Mandatory Measures Checklist <br />E. Modification to parking lot shall comply with all 2019 CBC accessible <br />requirements <br />F. Modification to site or grading accessible path of travel from public way to building <br />tenant spaces <br />G. Provide accessible clearances for all accessible spaces <br />H. All submittals shall include required mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plans. <br />No deferred MEP's <br />Fire separation between tenant spaces shall comply with the tenant occupancy and <br />use <br />AGREEMENT TO CONDITIONS July 22, 2021 <br />PLN20-0038 2483-2495 Washington Avenue Page 6 of 7 <br />