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Agmt to Conds 903 Manor Blvd
City Clerk
City Council
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Agmt to Conds 903 Manor Blvd
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Last modified
3/10/2025 5:37:34 PM
Creation date
11/17/2021 10:47:25 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
Recorded Document Type
Agreement to Conditions
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2. Restriction of Sale. The developer shall execute an instrument or agreement <br />approved by the City restricting the sale of the Owner -Occupied Inclusionary Units <br />in accordance with Zoning Code Section 6.04.144. <br />VI. ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />Site Planning Conditions: <br />The applicant proposes 39 multi -family condominiums for sale on a single existing <br />parcel which requires a Final Map for Condominium purposes. The map shall be <br />approved and recorded prior to building permit issuance. A Shared Maintenance <br />Agreement (CC&R) should be prepared to govern how common area <br />improvements will be managed and maintained in perpetuity. Submit a draft of said <br />document to the City for review prior to Building Permit issuance. <br />2. Landscape sheets prepared by SJA Landscape Architecture Land Planning, show <br />that street trees are proposed along Manor Boulevard. If the trees will be <br />maintained by the City, then approval from City's Public Works must be obtained <br />for the type and spacing prior to Building Permit issuance. Information about <br />acceptable tree varieties can be downloaded from the City's website as follows: <br /> <br />Whether the trees will be City -maintained or privately -maintained by the future <br />homeowner's association, the applicant shall irrigate the trees from the private <br />irrigation system. Any provided tree grates shall be in compliance with the City of <br />San Leandro Standard Plan Dwg. No. 438A and Dwg. No. 438B. <br />3. The applicant mustunderground the overhead joint utilities from the utility pole at <br />the intersection of Manor Boulevard and Fleming Street to the northwest corner of <br />the property as part of this proposed development such that there are no overhead <br />utility lines or utility poles along the western property line. If the adjacent properties <br />will be served from this proposed joint utility trench, then a utility easement shall be <br />granted for access and maintenance by PG&E or other utility companies that <br />occupy the joint trench. <br />4. The proposed sanitary sewer line shown running east/west on Manor Boulevard <br />must be constructed as a public sewer main, including a stub -out to the west for <br />connection of any future development. <br />5. Submit a copy of video survey mentioned in the letter by Sanco Pipelines, dated <br />October 7, 2019, regarding the condition assessment of the existing 15-inch storm <br />drain line that extends through the side yard of the Lopez lot to Norton Street, <br />confirming its structural adequacy and serviceability, prior to Grading Permit <br />issuance. If the pipe is deficient, propose a method of slip -lining or replacing the <br />pipe. <br />6. Grading Permit plans shall show that multiple bio-retention areas proposed in a <br />single Drainage Management Area (DMA) are hydraulically connected to function <br />as a single Low Impact Development (LID) measure. <br />7. Include storm drain pump design along with the Building Permit submittal. <br />Conditions of Approval September 9, 2020 <br />PLN19-0037 903 Manor Blvd. Page 7 of -14 I(f 5.�, <br />
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