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RECORDING REQUESTED BY: <br />City of gan T!,eandro <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />and <br />THEN RECORDING MAIL TO: <br />City of San Leandro <br />City Clerk's Office <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />This doctunent is entitled to recording without fee <br />Pursuant to Section 27383 of the Government Code <br />2020312410 11/16/2020 01:40 PM 2 PGS <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY <br />�,'r OF 4cq� MELISSA WILK, CLERK -RECORDER <br />0 Y RECORDING FEES: $0.00 <br />I <br />cq<lFDAA�A <br />i <br />CF SAN LEAS <br />i <br />FEB 0 3 2021 <br />NOTICE OFCOM PLETION <br />CiTY <br />Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 3093 of the California Civil Code: <br />1 That on or about. the 6th day of JJANUARY, 2020 the City of San Leandro, a <br />municipal corporation of the State of California having offices at 835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California, did enter into a certain contract with RAYS ELECTRIC <br />411 PENDLETON WAY, SUITE BF, OAKLAND, CA 94621, PHONE NO. 510-577-7700 <br />as a contractor, for a certain work of improvement: to wit PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS <br />IMPROVEMENTS 2017-18, PROJECT NO.: 2018.5610. <br />2 That the name of the surety upon the bond of the Contractor for said work of <br />improvement is as follows ENDURANCE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, 12890 <br />LEBANON ROAD, MT. JULIET, TN 37122, PHONE NO.: (415) 500-5028. <br />3 The nature of the interest or estate of the City of San Leandro as owner of the <br />PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS IIWIPROVEMENTS 2017-18, PROJECT NO.2018.5610, <br />project is that of public improvements made to public right-of-way designated as portions <br />of various streets in San Leandro, CA, as well as ownership of improvements thereon. <br />4 That said work of improvement was accepted as complete by the City Council of the <br />City of San Leandro on the 2nd day of NOVEMBER, 2020 by RESOLUTION No. <br />2020-137. <br />I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. City of San Leandro. <br />Dated this Llday of qNew,be-X-1 202,0 <br />NICK THOW, P.E. ' ITY ENGINEER <br />Engineering and Transportation Department <br />City of San Leandro <br />