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DocuSign Envelope ID: C60B747D-14C2-4F7D-B1FE-9C8FB57DABCE <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and <br />La Clinica de la Raza for CAP Grant: Fuente Wellness <br />Last revised 07/21/2021 <br />Exhibit A – Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Project Goals and Objectives (Describe the project or program and how participants will benefit.): <br />The goal of Fuente Wellness Center Integrated Health Services for Low-Income Youth is to provide low- <br />income youth ages 11-24 in San Leandro with high quality, linguistically and culturally responsive health <br />care services that supports their long-term health and transition to adulthood. Fuente will deliver primary <br />medical, health education, behavioral health, and dental services to at least 105 San Leandro youth at no <br />cost, regardless of insurance status. With funding from the City of San Leandro, the objective of the <br />project will be to offer services designed for the needs of low-income, high-risk, underserved youth at <br />Fuente Wellness Center, including: <br />1. Provide high-quality, bilingual primary medical, dental, and health education services for youth, <br />targeting vulnerable youth and youth with multiple barriers to care; <br />2. Deliver behavioral health services ranging from individual assessments and counseling to case <br />management that supports youth in making healthy choices and successfully transitioning to adulthood. <br />Through behavioral health screening assessments, Fuente will identify and connect youth to support <br />services, including depression/anxiety support groups and individual counseling sessions; <br />3. Expand social media platform to increase engagement with clinic services and promote health topics to <br />raise awareness of mental health, access to local resources, food access, and health services; and <br />4. Implement two Hunger Vital Sign questions into patient intake form to assess food security and when <br />applicable, connect San Leandro youth to local food resources. <br />Performance Measures Describe how your proposed project will improve the San Leandro <br />community. Provide specific data projections. For example: the number of meals provided or <br />participants served. <br />Program outputs should be measurable and realistic.) <br />1. By June 30, 2022, La Clínica will provide no-cost medical, dental and health education services to 105 <br />low-income San Leandro youth at Fuente Wellness Center; <br />2. By June 30, 2022, La Clínica will provide behavioral health services to 15 low-income San Leandro <br />youth at Fuente Wellness Center; <br />3. By June 30, 2022, La Clínica will ask 105 low-income San Leandro youth two Hunger Vital Sign <br />questions on patient intake forms and connect youth who answer yes to more than one question with a <br />resource guide for accessing healthy food in the area. <br />4. By June 30, 2022, La Clinica will increase social media engagement on Fuente Wellness Center’s <br />Instagram to 50 followers through which San Leandro youth will receive educational and informative <br />information including but not limited to health services, mental health, local community resources, food <br />assistance, and how to access clinic services. <br />Timelines (Provide a quarterly timeline for the performance measures. For example: 1st Quarter (Jul – <br />Sept) – Provide 100 hot meals to eligible seniors.) Fuente Wellness Center Integrated Health Services for <br />Low-income Youth Timeline <br />1st Quarter, July 2021 – September 2021, Serve approximately 36 San Leandro youth <br />2nd Quarter October 2021 – December 2021, Serve approximately 26 San Leandro youth <br />3rd Quarter January 2022 – March 2022, Serve approximately 31 San Leandro youth <br />4th Quarter April 2022 – June 2022, Serve approximately 12 San Leandro youth <br />Youth health services tend to peak in the beginning of the school year and in the winter, during the flu season. Summer months <br />typically draw in fewer patients. The estimates above are based on the 2019-2020 fiscal year trends from San Leandro patients. <br /> <br />Expenses Grant Request <br />Personnel $26,906 Includes salaries and fringe <br />Operating $5,594 Includes non-personnel and indirect <br />Total Grant Award $32,500 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C60B747D-14C2-4F7D-B1FE-9C8FB57DABCE