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Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit Provision C.3 (Clean Water Program) and <br />Storm Drain: <br />8. Because the project creates or replaces more than 10,000 SF of impervious <br />surface, it is considered a Regulated Project according to Provision C.3.b of the <br />San Francisco Bay Region Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (Order <br />No. R2-2015-0049, NPDES Permit No. CAS612008, adopted 11/19/2015). <br />Encroachment and Grading Permits: <br />9. The applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and <br />Transportation Department for any work within the public right-of-way. Contractors <br />must be properly licensed, have a valid Business License, and submit proof of <br />insurance. Applicable fees/deposits must be paid. <br />10. A Grading Permit will be necessary for the project. The requirements for said permit <br />are indicated in San Leandro Municipal Code §7-12. The permit will be issued prior <br />to or concurrent with the Building Permit. The San Leandro Municipal code can be <br />found at The geotechnical <br />engineer of record shall certify that the design of the site improvements conforms <br />to recommendations from the Geotechnical Investigation. <br />Other Engineering Conditions: <br />11. The site will be subject to a Construction General Permit according to the National <br />Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000002. <br />The general permit is applicable to construction sites that disturb one or more acres <br />of land surface. The applicant will be required to register the project with the State <br />Water Board's Storm water Multi -Application and Report Tracking System <br />(SMARTS) website. A Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) and a Qualified SWPPP <br />Practitioner (QSP) must be responsible for permit compliance. The SMARTS <br />system will generate a Waste Dischargers Identification (WDID) number which <br />must be printed on the Demolition Plans and Grading & Erosion Control plans. <br />12. The potable water network that serves the site is owned and operated by East Bay <br />Municipal Utility District (EBMUD). Please contact EBMUD at 866-403-2683 for <br />more information about connections and water service. <br />13. The proposed project is in the Oro Loma Sanitary District service area. The <br />applicant shall contact Oro Loma Sanitary District (510-276-4700) for specific <br />sanitary sewer connection and discharge requirements, and shall submit a copy of <br />Oro Loma Sanitary District Sewer Permit to the City prior to Encroachment Permit <br />Issuance. <br />14. The applicant shall locate all electric and communications utilities serving the site <br />underground. <br />15. All proposed storm drain inlets and trench drains shall be marked "NO DUMPING, <br />DRAINS TO BAY" as per the City of San Leandro Standard Plan Dwg. No. 204. All <br />proposed storm drain inlets that are not within bioretention areas shall have trash <br />capture devices. This note shall be included on Building Permit plan set. <br />Conditions of Approval September 9, 2020 <br />PLN19-0037 903 Manor Blvd. Page 8 of3-5-Itf S.tC <br />