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3. Final Site Lighting and Photometric Study. Prior to issuance of building permits, the <br />developer shall submit final plans and details for site lighting, including submittal of <br />a photometric study, for the review and approval of the Community Development <br />Director and Principal Engineer. The plans and details shall show location, height, <br />decorative features, and construction details showing materials and finishes to be <br />used for construction. All site lighting shall be directed below the horizontal plane <br />and no lighting may spill offsite. <br />4. Water Conservation. Final building plans submitted for building permit shall <br />incorporate a range of water conservation measures to substantially reduce average <br />per capita daily use. These measures shall include the use of equipment, devices <br />and methods for plumbing fixtures and irrigation that provide for long-term efficient <br />water use, subject to the review and approval of the Community Development <br />Director. <br />5. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy on the property, the improvements <br />outlined above shall be completely installed to the satisfaction of the Community <br />Development Director and the City.Engineer. <br />IV. PROJECT SITE IMPROVEMENTS <br />1. Garage Doors. All garage doors shall be a roll -up sectional type and provide variety <br />in panel and/or window design. <br />2. Screened Utilities. All electrical, gas, and water meters shall be located such that <br />they will not be visible from the streets, or these units shall be screened or enclosed. <br />3. Lighting. On -site lighting shall be designed and located so as to not interfere with <br />traffic on adjacent streets and fully shielded so as to not shine above the horizontal <br />plane or onto adjacent properties. Dark sky compliant outdoor lighting plans shall be <br />reviewed and approved with the building permit application. <br />4. Mechanical Screening. All exterior mechanical equipment such as air <br />conditioning/heating units and radio/television antennas shall be screened from view <br />so as not to be visible from adjacent properties or streets to the satisfaction of the <br />Community Development Director. This condition shall not apply to wireless cable <br />receivers that do not exceed three feet in diameter. <br />5. Perimeter Walls. Perimeter wood fencing shall be replaced with a durable reinforced <br />masonry material. Proposed wood fencing identified in Exhibit I, Exhibit J and Exhibit <br />L located along the project perimeter shall be replaced with reinforced masonry <br />walls. Final perimeter wall design and material shall be subject to the review and <br />approval of the Zoning Enforcement Official prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />V. INCLUSIONARY HOUSING <br />1. Inclusionary Units. To satisfy the Inclusionary Housing Requirement under Zoning <br />Code Section 6.04.144 Owner -Occupied Units, the developer shall designate four <br />units as for -sale to Moderate Income Households and two units as for -sale to Low <br />Income Households. None of the units may be clustered in any one building. <br />Conditions of Approval September 9, 2020 <br />PLN19-0037 903 Manor Blvd. Page 6 of IS- 14 S. K, <br />