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(ggg) "Self -Hauler" means a Person, who hauls Solid Waste, Organic Waste or recyclable <br />material they have generated to another Person for disposition as allowed by the Member <br />Agency and otherwise in accordance with all applicable laws. Self -Hauler also includes a <br />Person who Back -Hauls such materials, and as otherwise defined in 14 CCR Section <br />18982(a)(66). <br />(hhh) "Single -Family" means, for purposes of this Ordinance, of, from, or pertaining to any <br />residential premises with fewer than five units. <br />(iii) "Solid Waste" has the same meaning as defined in Public Resources Code Section 40191, <br />which defines Solid Waste as all putrescible and nonputrescible solid, semisolid, and liquid <br />wastes, including garbage, trash, refuse, paper, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, <br />demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles and parts thereof, discarded home <br />and industrial appliances, dewatered, treated, or chemically fixed sewage sludge which is <br />not hazardous waste, manure, vegetable or animal solid and semi -solid wastes, and other <br />discarded solid and semisolid wastes, with the exception that Solid Waste does not include <br />any of the following wastes: <br />(1) Hazardous waste, as defined in the Public Resources Code Section 40141. <br />(2) Radioactive waste regulated pursuant to the State Radiation Control Law (Chapter <br />8 (commencing with Section 114960) of Part 9 of Division 104 of the Health and <br />Safety Code). <br />(3) Medical waste regulated pursuant to the State Medical Waste Management Act <br />(Part 14 (commencing with Section 117600) of Division 104 of the Health and <br />Safety Code). Untreated medical waste shall not be disposed of in a Solid Waste <br />landfill, as defined in Public Resources Code Section 40195.1. Medical waste that <br />has been treated and deemed to be Solid Waste shall be regulated pursuant to <br />Division 30 of the Public Resources Code. <br />0jj) "Source Separated" means materials, including commingled recyclable materials, that have <br />been separated or kept separate from the Solid Waste stream, at the point of generation, for <br />the purpose of additional sorting or processing those materials for recycling or reuse in <br />order to return them to the economic mainstream in the form of raw material for new, <br />reused, or reconstituted products, which meet the quality standards necessary to be used in <br />the marketplace, or as otherwise defined in 14 CCR Section 17402.5(b)(4). For the <br />purposes of this Ordinance, Source Separated shall include separation of materials by the <br />generator, property owner, property owner's employee, property manager, or property <br />manager's employee into different containers for the purpose of collection such that Source <br />Separated materials are separated from Landfill Container Waste or other Solid Waste for <br />the purposes of collection and processing. <br />(kkk) "Source Separated Compost Container Organic Waste" means Source Separated Organic <br />Waste that can be placed in a Compost Container that is specifically intended for the <br />separate collection of Organic Waste by the generator, excluding Source Separated <br />Recycling Container Organic Waste, carpets, Non-Compostable Paper, and textiles. <br />