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NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br />follows: <br />1. That the City of San Leandro agrees to accept award of $1,479,000 in Alameda CTC <br />administered funds; and <br />2. That said agreement substantially in the form presented is hereby approved and <br />execution by the City Manager is hereby authorized; and <br />3. That the project will be implemented as described in the application, Agreement, and in <br />this Resolution; and <br />4. That there is no pending or threatened litigation that might in any way adversely affect <br />the fund recipient's ability to implement and deliver the proposed project; and <br />5. That $1,479,000 of grant funds are appropriated for the subject project to Account No. <br />150-38-423-5240; and <br />6. That the authorization of match funds in the amount of $504,000 from existing <br />appropriation is hereby authorized; and <br />7. That the City Manager is authorized to make non -substantial revisions to said <br />agreement, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney; and <br />8. That an original executed agreement shall be attached to and made a part of this <br />resolution. <br />Introduced by Councilmember Aguilar and passed and adopted this 4th day of January <br />2022, by the following vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Aguilar, Azevedo, Ballew, Cox, Lopez, Simon, Mayor Cutter (7) <br />NOES: None (0) <br />ABSENT: None <br />ATTEST: " yaw�m <br />Leticia I. Miguel, City Jerk <br />(0) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2022-002 2 <br />